Chapter 4 (Jessika's POV)

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*4 weeks later
"Ashley! The tour bus is here!" I yell from downstairs.
"Okay! Start getting your shit in there and you can pick a bunk to sleep in!" Ashley shouts back. Ashley thought to herself haha I get my own room! The band loaded their instruments into the big ass trailer attached to the back of the bus. Finally we were on our way to the first stop of Warped Tour!
"So Ashley what bunk are you sleeping in?" Serra asked. Ashley just smiled at her.
"I don't have a bunk." Ashley evily smirked. Ashley stood up waved for Serra, Paige, and I to follow her. We got to the back of the bus and there was a door. Ashley opened the door and said
"This is my room. Haha!" We all just stared at Ashley well more like glare. "Devin is on tour also so I thought it'd be better if I had a bus with my own room instead of trying in the bunks again." Ashley said bursting out laughing seeing Serra and I's faces.
"That's our brother! Ewwwwww!!" We shouted running back to the front. Ashley always loves to discuss that stuff in front of serra and I cause it grosses us out. Well this is only the beginning and we're already grossed out.

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