Chapter 18- The Fight

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⚠️this story contains a suicide attempt. Don't read if that triggers you.⚠️
Ugh!" The sound of Jade's  aggravated yell bounced off the walls of Hollywood Arts as she stomped around the hallways, desperately searching for Tori. Sikowitz had just posted the cast list for Hollywood Art's spring play Andre had written. Another play where I'm not the lead. Jade felt anger course through her veins, as for a moment, she questioned why she'd been crushing on Tori in the fist place. Vega always steals opportunities away from me. She gets everything. I have nothing. Part of Jade knew that she was envious of all her friends. Beck and Meredith and their stupid cupcakes he swore he didn't like. Andre and Vanessa. Cat and Robbie. For fucks sake if Cat can get together with that I should be able to be happy too.

Jade saw Andre first, kissing Vanessa by his locker. "Andre!" She screamed, stomping towards him.
"Jade, what's wrong?" Vanessa asked, breaking contact with Andre. He sighed, sick of Jade's anger putting a halt to everything. He wished Jade and Tori would just get together, knowing they both liked each other. Everything lately had been all about Jade and Tori. Tori and Jade. And the second he got a moment to himself-
"You cast Vega as the lead in your stupid play, that's what!" Jade whined.
"Jade, I didn't chose the cast. Sikowitz did." Andre replied back in a harsh tone, causing Jade to cross her arms and make a sour face. "But Tori should be the lead," he snapped. "She's good."
"Oh." Jade replied angrily, kicking the locker closest to her. She stormed off, continuing her hunt for Tori. God dammit when I see Vega I'm really going to give her a piece of my-
"Hey, Jade." Cat's friendly voice interrupted Jade's thoughts.
"Have you seen Vega?" Jade demanded.
"Sure, she was in the Asphalt cafe reading lines with Beck and Meredith, why?"
"I'm going to kill her." Jade yelled, running towards the Asphalt cafe. Every time she practices something she's with Beck. It's always been Beck.... Jade's blood pressure rose as her cheeks turned a deep shade of red, positive feelings towards Tori slipping away in a moment as she looked back on every opportunity she could've had if Tori never came to Hollywood Arts. Tori had beaten her for roles numerous times. She got to star in Sofia Michelle's play, Uptown Downtown. She was cast as Steamboat Susie, and she was selected for the Platinum Music Awards. I shouldn't have been nice. I should've performed. Jade told herself. She convinced herself that she hated Tori, but deep down felt a twinge of remorse. But the way she looked when she came to see me...STOP. I don't like her, I don't like her, I don't...
"VEGA!" Tori sat with Beck and Meredith and could hear Jade's scream from across the café.
"Oh god," she rolled her eyes, turning to Beck. "What have I done to upset Jade now?"
"I guess you'll find out," Beck teased in return. He had sympathy for Tori. He knew she'd been under Jade's wrath many times and so had he, and frankly, Jade's bad side was not somewhere you wanted to be. He was lucky they were on okay terms. But if Jade was already aggravated, she could pick apart any problem and make it something bigger, something worse.
"Hi, Jade," Tori said sweetly as Jade huffed towards their table, sitting herself down.
"Don't play nice with me, Vega," Jade snapped.
"Jade, why are you so pissed at Tori?" Beck asked innocently, trying to coherence Jade to get right to the point.
"You stole the lead part from me, again," Jade screamed.
Tori could feel her own anger rising. She worked hard on her audition like she did every time. She'd take several sleepless nights to prepare. She still felt like she didn't belong at Hollywood Arts with them sometimes and she wanted to go the extra mile to prove she did. Getting cast as the lead made her feel important. Validated.
"I didn't steal the part, Jade," Tori said matter-of-factly. "I got cast because I earned it. I'm sorry you're such a sore loser."
"Oh!" Jade yelled back. "I'm not a sore loser, Vega. You don't deserve anything, people just hand it to you. They feel sorry for you." Jade regretted the words as soon as they fell from her mouth, but it was too late. They lingered in the air as they hit Tori, and Jade watched in slow motion as Tori's teasing smirk dropped into a deflated frown. It hurt. Jade could tell that it hurt Tori. Part of her was glad, but the other part of her screamed at herself, begging her to apologize, tell Tori she loved her before...
"Alright, Jade," Tori said quietly, anger gone. Her tone was weak, as if she'd been stabbed in her chest and these were her dying words. "If that's how you all feel, I'm done. I'm dropping out of the play, and I'm dropping out of Hollywood Arts." She stood from the table, ready to walk away, when Beck grabbed her arm. He felt bad for Jade, too. He knew her soft side. This wasn't her, not really. She was scared. She just had a shitty way of showing it.
"Tori, Jade didn't mean it," Beck insisted, shooting Jade a warning look, begging her to agree with him. Please, Jade. Please. It won't be good for any of us if you and Tori hate each other. Including you. Meredith sat amongst the tension, watching her boyfriend attempt to tame Jade. She knew Beck cared about her, but it was awkward for her to watch. It had been calm for a little while while Jade was distracted by Tori and somewhat happy, but every time she was stewing in anger, Beck felt like it was his job to fix her. "I'm the only one who can calm her down," sometimes he'd say. Other times, he would reflect on their relationship, recounting things Jade got upset about. He said he was happier, but Meredith watched as he tried to cool down Tori and Jade as if Jade was still his responsibility. Maybe, Tori leaving Hollywood arts would be beneficial, she figured. Without Jade's enemy, Beck wouldn't have to calm her down as often. She could have Beck all to herself. It's not right. She reminded herself. Tori was sweet, and was part of the reason Beck had even considered dating her.
"Jade-" Meredith opened her mouth to offer consolation, an action which antagonized Jade deeply. Any hopes of redeeming her actions, Beck knew, were now gone.
"Can it, cupcake," Jade snapped, shooting Meredith a nasty glare. "We aren't friends, we will never be friends."
Beck put his hand on Meredith's shoulder to comfort her, as he shot Jade yet another look.
"You don't have to be such a gank-" he started to say, but at that moment, Tori had enough and began walking away once again.
"It's fine, Beck." Tori insisted, sadness once again filling her voice. "I should've known better than to stay after my first day here. Having black coffee dumped on your head isn't exactly welcoming. I was stupid to think Jade and I could ever, and would ever, be friends. It's for the best if I go."
Jade chuckled, finding amusement in the fact that she'd finally gotten what she'd always wanted. Tori was gone.
"Have fun starring in the play." Tori offered Jade a fake smile, before turning her back towards Beck, Meredith and Jade and walking away.
"I hope you're happy." Beck snapped. "All you do, Jade, is destroy people." He then grabbed Meredith's hand, leading her away from the table. Jade was a little disappointed, but satisfied, as she then began walking to Sikowitz's classroom to tell him that Tori had dropped out of the play and that she was very interested in playing the lead.

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