Chapter 12 Niall's Talk!

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Hey my lovely dreamers! :)

Lol the name is so funny! :P

Anywho I'm extremely sorry for not updating in a while... My exams are coming soon and I need to prepare for it so there will be slow updates till march i guess but i promise after march second week its gonna be regular updates!!

So please bare with me! :)

Now here's chapter 13 so please vote/comment and fan me!! :D

Enjoy <3



Neha POV:

After freshening up, I headed downstairs where I saw Rhea and Avril laying the tables for lunch. Wow! Rhea's working, she really wants them to like her I guess. The new girl in the GF club I guess. The boys were out on the verandah sipping their drinks,eating and you know just frolicking. Richa and Kim were doing some serious gossip on the couch, I reckon both of them love movies and stuff. As I went forward to help Avril, Rhea gave me the stink eye as in asking me to go somewhere else. I decide to sit with the boys for some time. As I entered into the verandah, Harry saw me. He got up and pulled up a chair for me. Louis and Niall started teasing him "oh! What a gentleman, doing the chair thing for the lady!"

Harry replied "yeah well I really am a gentleman. Get over it ya punks." Liam offered me a can of Pepsi and I settled with them. I asked "so what's the plan for today guys? Anything interesting or just gonna sit here drinking?" Niall's eyes widened, oh how we all know he loves to drink. Liam replied "no actually we were planning on going surfing a little after lunch. The water will be nice and warm by that time and the waves also get bigger." Zayn said "well I don't really like the idea, we shud do something different. You know play scrabble or monopoly." 

Louis screamed "we all know you're a wuss! You don't know how to swim. We can play board games later. Surfing is cool." We were laughing and chatting outside for a while when Avril came over and called us for lunch. As I went in I could get the aroma of freshly baked bread, mince pies and casserole! We all sat around the round table and served ourselves. There was a huge selection of salads and kebabs on the side. To be fair the food tasted amazing. 

I spoke out "Avril did you make this by yourself? It's really good." She giggled and replied "yeah partly made by me and the rest by Kim. She's a baking expert!" Kim retorted back "no I just made the breads,  the whole credit goes to Avril. She's just good." I laughed at how they were complimenting each other. Just then Niall interrupted "who ever made it doesn't matter, what matters is that it's tasty and Niall aproves it!" Oh how I forget that Niall just fathoms food. In twitter words I ship NOOD. :P

            After a lovely luncheon, everyone was just tad tired. Nobody was interested to swim after full stomach. Harry and Liam left to get some groceries and to setup some stuff, Zayn and Rhea had left for a stroll on the beach, Richa had passed out on the couch and Kim and I were clearing the kitchen. Avril had worked all morning so she had decide to go take a nap, she deserved it.

I asked Kim "where's Louis? I can't see him anywhere." She chuckled and said "yeah Louis is in our room napping. He's such a sleepy head." Kim was a really nice girl, she wasn't as hyperactive as I made her out to be. She was really pretty, both of them looked so good together. Suddenly I realized all where was Niall? I totally forgot about him. I went into the living room and saw he was drinking melted cookie dough ice cream out of the box and watching football. I decided to give him company. I sat next to him and said "what are you watching? Can I give you company?" He said "sure Neha you can, you don't need to ask."

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