Chapter 7: weekend's for shopping. Right?

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Hey guys wassup?? :)

So heres the 7 chapter.. Hope you are enjoying...

Live While Were Young is so awesomee!! I like listen to it twice or thrice a day... :P

Also cant wait for their album 'Take Me Home' to release!!

I was going to pre order it, but now my friends are thinking of gifting it to me!! The limited edition yearbook of 'Take Me Home'. YAY!! SO HAPPY...




Harry's POV:

              "Do you think you have fallen for her?" Louis repeated again. I really don't know, was this all feelings cropping up because I fell for a girl I just met 10 hours ago? This isn't me. I'm not the one who gets all head over heels for someone. Louis was waiting for a reply, I said "I don't know Louis. It's just not the kind of feeling I always have. I was not in my senses, but anyways I know she isn't interested in me. She just moved away from me." "How do you know she's not, wait don't tell me you tried to kiss her. Did you hazza?" Louis asked. I looked up at him and gave a small nod. He shouted "Harry listen, this what you tried, it's not OK. She does not seem the type of girl who, let's just say, goes along your type of ways. She moved away you said? That's because she is cautious. You do know you don't have that good a reputation about this matters." I sighed and replied "well that's there. But I think this girl is different. Something special, if I persuade her I can maybe make her come out with me. Yeah I'll try that." Louis then went serious, like I have never seen him this way "no you won't. She is a good girl, the type that shouldn't have her heart broken. You my friend are pretty likely to do that. This is the reason why I would prefer Niall over you if my sisters were to date one of you. If this girl is right for you, let time run it's course." I nodded and put my head over the couch. Louis told goodnight and went to crash, and I just lay there thinking about what he said...


 Neha's POV:

                It was Saturday morning, 3 days since I met the guys, 3 days since I came home with Harry and 3 days since Harry Styles tried to kiss me. I got myself out if bed, straightened my covers and walked into the bathroom to brush. After that I went to the living room to see Richa watching TV, and Rhea was in the kitchen, busy with something. Richa then spoke up "good morning Neha! How was your sleep? Was it nice? Did you have sweet dreams?" I felt she was being too over considerate. I asked her "good morning! What do you want Richa? Just come up front with it. Don't run around the edges." She smiled and at that very moment Rhea also ran out and they said "take us shopping today! We need good clothes to wear and if the other guys just walk in, like Harry. I don't wanna be in my night jammies." I agreed, we all needed clothes that would suit the weather and also look fab at the same time. I nodded and both of them hugged me tightly. We decided to leave by 11 am so that we could finish shopping and get some lunch later. We had the breakfast, prepared by Rhea and left to get dressed. I got into the shower to freshen myself and then dressed into something comfy. I pulled on a pair of black jeans, a red hip length shirt with folded sleeves and a jacket to go with it. I put on my platforms, as the costume gelled with each other. I get out of my room to see Richa dressed in a shorts, boots and t-shirt. She too had a long overcoat. Rhea wore something more sober, a normal jeggings, t-shirt and trainers. We then left for the mall. We called out for a cab and went to the nearest mall.

             At the mall we saw different kinds of brands, stores and clothes. The kind we couldn't wear back in Mumbai because of the heat. We got into Jack wills store, I always wanted to shop there and then we went in different directions to shop. Each of us have a different kind of dressing style. I wear more lively colors, Richa likes more of shorts and dresses and Rhea, likes more of comfy clothes. We finished the shopping and went on to buy new shoes. We shopped in jimmy choos and different stores. These are probably the best designer stores ever. After half an hour of trying out we found our perfect pair. I looked at the watch, it was already 2 pm. We decided to grab some lunch and head back home. We got into a nice Italian restaurant, relaxed for a bit and ate our food. During the lunch, My phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. Taking it out I see its Liam calling up. I became excited as I thought they would've forgotten about me. I pick up the call and the voice on the other side spoke up "hey Neha how's your day? Anyways just called you to let you know that invitation you put that day, we are taking it and we decided to meet up today. Only if its fine with you?" I smiled and replied "Hey, I'm fine Liam. Yeah sure come on over, I'm free anyways. Amy and Harry knows where I stay so that will be easy. So what time can I expect you guys by?" He replied "maybe by 7, if Louis doesn't take time to dress up. Yeah then lets meet in the evening. And warning make lot of food, coz Niall's gonna be there." Laughing i replied "sure i will, bye liam" he replied "bye neha" and with that kept the phone down. After 2 seconds it struck me that I have to make dinner for these guys. Richa and Rhea were looking at me rather puzzled. Richa spoke up "if I think what I guess you said is right, the boys are coming over to our house for dinner? Speak up Neha." I nodded, which only gave the girls further chance to squeal. Rhea exclaimed "oh god we need to go buy make up and some other things like groceries. Can't let them come and drink only water. Let's leave then." I thought about what to make for them which became very difficult decision. We paid the bill and went to the local tesco. After some shopping, we took a cab back home and got into our aprons. Richa went on to do some homework before they came. Rhea and I started cooking in full swing.

           My meal plan was made. I was gonna make some Roti, a butter chicken curry and rice. All with less spice. Then suddenly Rhea replied "Neha lets make rogan josh as well, Zayn loves rogan josh" I smiled and replied "sure why not! I'm sure zayn's gonna fall head over heels by your cooking" This only made Rhea blush. In matter of 2 hours we got all the food ready and put it into the oven so that it could stay hot. I look at the time and it was 6 pm. I decided to take a shower and get dressed. Rhea too went to get dressed. After a small shower, I got into my clothes I laid out for the night. The ones that I had bought earlier in the day. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a red tank top, an off white shrug and a scarf to go with it. I put on some make up, mascara and eyeliner to highlight my eyes. Opened my hair up and blow dried it. I combed it into a proper way my straight black hair is supposed to be and put on some jewelry. I get out of the room to see well dressed Richa and Rhea. They too were looking pretty. At almost 6:45 I get a call from Amy "hey Neha! So were coming down there. The guys decided that they'll come there by 7 so yeah in like 15 mins they'll be there. Oh and do me a favor ask your cousins not to fan girl. They get like really pissed off." I talked to her for a while. Then I turned to the girls who were on the couch waiting for them eagerly "see I don't want u screaming and squealing when they come. It's a turn off. Also don't go all drooling over them, that just looks weird." Richa put her tongue out and Rhea nodded. At just sharp 7 pm I get a knock on the door, it was THEM.

         The boys and Amy entered the house. Harry came in and gave me a hug, with Louis and the boys not far behind him. Richa and Rhea just couldn't believe their eyes, that the boys they were dreaming about meeting few days ago were standing live in their house. The boys greeted everyone and settled on the couch. Then Zayn spoke out "so are these girls your cousins Neha?" I nodded and he extended his hand towards Rhea, she shook his hand and replied "umm... My name's Rhea. I really like your songs guys." They all smiled and I could see she was getting nervous. I shot a look at Zayn and he took it, the boys went in for a group hug with Rhea in between them. Richa's eyes were fixed on Niall, realizing that I saw her she looked somewhere else. I spoke out "now that you've met Rhea, this is my younger sis Richa." The boys group hugged her as well and started talking to them. Louis came to me and whispered "hey I know what happened between you and Harry. Don't worry neither me nor Harry has told anyone about it, so chill." How did he know that I was thinking about it? I went to the kitchen to get the glasses out and I come back to see all of them are talking to each other. Niall was talking about nandos to Richa and Rhea was talking to Zayn and Liam about her coursework. Amy was tapping on the phone. Harry came over to help me with the dishes. He then spoke up "so hey! Just wanted to inform you that we also invited Josh over. If its ok?" I said "it's fine if its only one person. I don't have food for more people." He then took my hand, my heart raced. He then told "I hope you have forgotten what I tried to do? I really wanna be friends with you, don't want to ruin it"...





So next chapter is where the fun starts!!

So keep reading and once again PLEASE COMMENT & FAN ME :) xx

C'mon guys 30 votes & 180 reads for this story please!! :)

--Neha <3

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