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"Y/n I'm leaving I'm  going to the Marsh with the Pogues  do you wanna come?" Kiara calls from the living room
"Sure, I have nothing better to do." You call from your room
"Just lemme pack some stuff real quick I will meet ya in the car."
Kie walks outside to the car
Meanwhile with you:
You put on a swim suit and cover it with your jean shorts and mint green crop top and pair that with some sandals.
You get your purse and put your wallet, phone, headphones, and your stash of vodka.
You walk outside and get into the car.
Kie let's your parents know that you two will be back later.
Kie drives to the chateau and sees JJ in the hammock and John b and Pope on the porch chatting.
Kie walks over to John b and Pope and you walk over to JJ.
"Hello blondie," you call out as you proceed to hop on the hammock with him.
"Nothin much just hanging, how bout you, haven't seen you around the side of obx in awhile."
"You know the same old same old, Sarah always dragging me to her boyfriend toppers party."
"Oh yeah what do you do there." He winks at you.
"Oh Shutup you know I don't hook up with random ass boys." You scoff at JJ's question.

"Yeah well don't you have a line of boys outside of your house waiting to take little miss y/n on a date?"
You roll your eyes and hit JJ  playfully at the back of his head.
He pretends to wince in pain but you can tell he is faking it.
"We'll you know y/n I don't know if Kie  told you but there is a bonfire tonight at the beach you should stop by."
Your eyes grow big. "I'll think about it."
"Guys get on the boat we're going for a ride." John b calls out from the front porch.

JJ gets out of the hammock first and holds his hand out so you can get out easily.
After you get out of the hammock you too make your way to the dock to already find the rest of the Pogues  on the boat.

"What took you too so long we have been waiting for hours." Kie exaggerates.

"Oh yeah sure I was just helping your sister get out of the hammock." JJ repeats.
"Kie why didn't you mention the bonfire tonight?" You question her.
Her eyes go big and she stands up straight.
"JJ you told her I was going to surprise her later tonight." She sits back down annoyed.

"Sorry I just couldn't keep it in any longer." JJ pick up a beer from the cooler that John b placed on the boat earlier.

"Seriously dude it's 2 Pm." Pope scoffs

"So what I would drink a beer at 7 Am.
JJ walks to the edge of the boat, sets his beer down and takes his shirt off, he the proceeds to jump in the water.
"Dude we aren't at the marsh yet." John b Hollers to JJ who is already swimming in the lake.
"Idc just park the boat here and we can have some fun In the water."
"I'm okay with that" Pope chimes.

John b stops the boat and let's the anchor go into the lake. Then John b takes his shirt off and jumps into the lake.
Kie decides to prank Pope by pushing him in the lake with his shirt on still causing it to get all wet.
"KIARA I HAD MY PHONE IN MY POCKET." Pope yells pulling his soaking wet phone from his pocket. There was no these in trying to safe his phone it was already ruined.
"Sorry I'll by you a new one." Kie says feeling really guilty.
"You better." Pope states.
Kie takes her shirt and shorts off and jumps in the lake.
You are the last one on the boat and everyone in chanting your name to jump in the lake. You shake your head because you don't want to get your hair wet.
JJ jumps back onto the boat and walks towards you. He picks you up and takes your shorts and crop top off. And the proceeds to jump in the lake with you in his arms.

You try to hit his arm so he wouldn't throw you in but it was no use you were in the lake before you knew it.
The Pogues  were laughing and you were giving JJ the death stare.
"Are you serious JJ  I didn't want to get my hair wet." You say angrily
"Too bad so sad." JJ replies pretending to cry.

You decide to jump on top of JJ causing you both to go under water. You pretend to fight when your foot hits something hard.
"Ow ow ow." You wince in pain as you hop back on to the boat.
"What did I hurt you." JJ asks with a worried look on your face.
"No no you didn't JJ l, I hit my foot on something hard down in the water."
JJ hood back on to the boat to put some ice on your foot.

John b swims down in the water to where you were and sees a sunken boat.
"Guys, there is a boat down there."

"WHAT," Pope exclaims.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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