Talia Blake/Prolouge

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Hi There, Talia Blake here , My dad is Philip Blake and my mother was Hayley Thortan . Penny was my half sister. She got a fever and got infected and died and come back as one of them. My dad keeps her in a cage in a secret room that i can't talk about .

My age is 21 , before this started i was a university student studying fashion and beauty. How i found out this was happening was... I was at University and everyone was in class . We saw a teacher on the floor with another teacher over the top of her from where i was standing it looked like the two teachers where on the ground playing a game . But once we moved closer to the two we saw what everyone has been seeing for days.. Mr Jackson chomping on a teacher... I ran home and tried to call my dad to explain , I couldn't get through , i turned on the tv and it was explained all over the news the woman on the news speaking ''Hello Citizens of Gerogia , I am Jemma Mardsen, We have breaking news on the diesase that has been spreading , it has been confirmed as some kind of cannibalism where people who die of any cause are coming back as infected zombies and eating human flesh, we advice everyone to stay in there houses till further notice, thank you''

Me and My dad are currently living in a town called Woodbury. We have all types of people here , we keep them safe, my dad he's the leader , them things outside of the walls never get in , we have about 3 people on each end of Woodbury watching for people.


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