One of them Day's

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I woke up in bed on a Tuesday morning , i got up and changed into the clothes i decided to wear today , i put my holsters on and put my gun and knife in my holsters. I walked downstairs of the house and out of the door and put my hand to my eyes because the sun was so bright. I looked around to find my dad but couldn't see him anywhere so i went over to Merle and asked him if he has seen my dad.

''Hey Merle, Have you um seen my dad today?''

''Well, hello to you sweetheart , you looking fine today, and your daddy is in there , with the blonde woman , Andrea... so how about me and you hook up? , go bump some uglies''.

''Umm... i'm gonna go , thanks Merle''.

''No problem sugartits''.

I laughed slightly and walked away. Walking towards the house Merle said that my dad and ANDREA was in. I knocked on the door a couple of times until my dad finally answered. Andrea walked out and i walked in and looked at my dad with my arms crossed.


''Me and Andrea have a connection''.

''Na ya don't say dad'' i said to him while sitting down he stood infront of me and saw my face.

''Sweetie , i loved your mom, it's been 3 years since she passed away, then penny came along and i married Sarah but you're mom was always in my heart, i love her , like i love you darling, your the reason i'm still alive today, now come here and give your old dad a hug''.

I stood up and walked over to him and put my arms around his waist , he put his chin on my head and kisses my head.

''I Love You Dad''

''I Love you too Darling'' he said while pushing a piece of hair out of my face and he placed my hat on my head. ''Now go, hang out with Tara , i'll be out soon , just got to have a word with Merle about this meeting we are having to find Michonne''.

''Can i come??'' i asked him waiting for an answer.

''Honey, I cant risk that, if something happens to you out there , i wouldn't be able to forgive myself, you stay here go on watch with Andrea''. I sighed after he said that and walked out the door and looked around outside and saw loads of families laughing and talking together.

~A Few hours later~

It was dark , Merle and my dad , Martinez and some other guy , went out to look for Michonne i was standing at the top of the van thing on look out with Andrea.

''I saw your face this morning'' she said to me while i looked out to the distance i just ignored her.

''I know you don't like me Talia, but i want to make your dad happy he is a good man, not many people believe it but he is , you've stuck by him , so have i even though i've not known him long''.

''Who said i didnt like you Andrea? , please tell me who said that, because i didn't , i can see you make my dad happy, i dont want him getting hurt, and i don't want you to replace my mom, you're not like her and never will be'' I said to her frustrated that she thinks she knows who i am!

Me and Andrea are still on look out , i put a silencer on the end of my pistol and tried to shoot the walker that was in the distance , it kept walking closer i raised my gun and aimed it but Andrea put her hand on my arm.

''Don't do it , it's walking away , you get some sleep and i'll go on watch now''.

I put my gun down and lied down and closed my eyes.

~Next Morning~

I woke up in my bed , it confused me because i remember falling asleep on the truck thing , when me and Andrea was on watch. I sat up in bed and my dad walked in.

''Morning Sweetheart ,made you breakfast , when we came back Andrea said that you was asleep so she carried you down and put you here''. he said while putting my breakfast on the side.

''Thanks and that was nice of her''.i smiled slightly , my dad leaned over and kissed my cheek got up and walked out the door.

I ate my breakfast and walked downstairs outside.

''Hey you'' I looked at the side of me and saw Tara.She was my only friend in Woodbury , it kind of worried me when she told me she was lesbian because of her trying it on with me but im not her type , im just her friend type.

''Hey Tar you okay ??" I said to her smiling

" I guess , I miss Lily and everything but I have too stop thinking about it , starting a new life here at Woodbury, with you my best friend!!. She said while poking my shoulder and chuckling

"So how's your dad ??"

"He's fine , he's just dad , he's been sleeping with the new blonde woman ... Andrea , she thinks she can replace my mum but she can't , I don't know why but I don't like her". I explained to her and she said she understood what it's like.

I got up from sitting on the curb of road and stood there , I could feel Tara's eyes burning into my back , So I turned around to her .

"Hey , I'm going to find my dad Tar , i'll um catch up with you later".

"Can't wait" she said as I bent down to cuddle her.

I hope you enjoy this story , I have a lot of ways this story can go bit they will get revealed later on in the book


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