Chapter 2: getting to know eachother

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Y/n POV:
While the girl was sleeping I went downstairs and sat on my couch, before looking up at the ceiling.
It felt diffrent to have someone sleeping here besides me, since the old times. When I had someone to be with. But theese times are over for so many years.

Timeskip. 6:00 a.m

I woke up. It seemes I fell asleep for few hours
"I better check on the girl, maybe I will meet her closer, to at least know who she is" I said, before going to kitchen to make some breakfast and hot chocolate for her.

Pandemonica POV:
I had a suprisingly good sleep, the bed was warm and comfortable, and the household dweller took good care of me. I got up, rubbing my eyes before getting dressed and washed.


"Good morning, miss." I was greeted by the human, who was evidently awaiting my arrival.
"Good morning, sir" I replied in tired voice
"I'm glad, that you came here at last, I'm finishing making your breakfast." Said mortal before giving me a plate with three toasts with jam and cup of hot tea.

"If this is not enough, to cure your hunger, please tell me. Oh and by the way, when you were sleeping, I checked on your temperature aaand I must say, that you have a fever symptoms, so I don't recommend you not to physically exhaust yourself."
"Oh... This is why I feel cold..." I said. I didn't really know, what fever is, but I was guessing it was a some sort of disease.
"Can I ask you, what that fever is?" I asked.
"Fever is a sickness, you gain when exposed for cold tepteratures for long time."


After the two finished their meal, Y/n showed her place to work, and served the demon with warm drinks, like hot chocolate or tea, however not coffee. But why not coffee? Mostly because Y/n didn't really had much experience with coffee brews.
Pandemonica was suprsed with man's kindness and hospitality, someone was treating her like a person, not a plain secretary.

The demon decided to call her boss, lucifer
"Hello your highness, it's pandemonica. I come with the journey report."
"Oh yes, my best secretary in the overworld. Please proceed with report."
"Basically the world is stable, there are still wars on middle east and violence is still high. However I'm very suprised about kindness and treatment of this household dweller, I live with. Maybe not all mortals are like animals"

"Hmm, may you tell something more about him? His name, story, traits perhaps..." Lucifer asked.
"I will try to collect as much information as I can, miss. He seems like a generic guy, however I sense something more. He treats me, like he wants me happy all the time. He also seems very lonely and somehow disturbed, maybe even sad."
"Understandable. Stay with him, untill your trip is over."
"Yes, maam."
The conversation ended.

Timeskip, evening:

Pandemonica just finished her work, turned her computer off and went downstairs to the living room, where Y/n was sitting on the couch, lookin at a small picture, he was holding.
Pandemonica decided to sit next to him

"What's that picture?" She asked
"Oh, It's me and my friends, back in the day"
"But why camouflage uniforms?"
"Oh well, guess I'll have to tell you something about myself. So I'm Y/n, I'm 28 and this picture was from the time of my military service. I was a soldier for like 2 years. Now I do some boring job from home, nothing interesting."
"I see... mr. Y/n. Would you tell me how the military was?"
"Nothing much. I wasn't fighting. I mostly had a stationary duty. Not every soldier shoots his gun." Y/n smiled
"Hmm... I would ask you, why you chose to live alone?"
"Personal reasons, I like to live in peace... wanna watch something on TV?"
Y/n seemed to keep a secret away from her. Pandemonica questioned it inside, what was the reason. However demon didn't wanted to bother him, so she sat next to him and watched the show.

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