Chapter 10: return/ solitude

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Y/n POV:

We have returned to base, where we were greeted by our fellow soldiers giving us the respectful look, before the lieutenant called us.
"Yod did hell of a job out there boys. Get some sleep as I will speak with corporals L/n and Bogdyn."

We both went with lieutenant to his tent
"You did a brilliant job you two. You proved yourself."
"That's our duty, sir." Bogdyn replied.
"Everyone would say that, but wouldn't do so much as you two did. Bogdyn, L/n you are promoted to sergants and L/n, according to fact, that you spent three monts here and fought a previous war, you are given the opportunity to be moved to reserves and continue your life. Or you can stay here."
"I'll choose the first option, sir."
"Very well then. Good luck out ther guys. Dismissed." We saluted as the lieutenant gave me the pass to leave to home.

"So, you are leaving as a hero, huh?" Bogdyn asked
"Yeah... maybe not as a hero, we just did our job."
Yeah, anyways have a safe journey. I gotta go to quarter and get some fucking sleep."
"Yeah. Oh, and don't get killed. I would be honoured to see you again."

Timeskip, Y/n returned home, Narrator:
As soon as the veteran got back home, everything changed. The silence, the solitude. He had to get used to it amd it was difficult. And he started to miss pandemonica even more, making sometimes two cups of coffee despite the fact, no one was here. Y/n was slowly driven mad by his sadness. Thae days were passing in lonliness
Same for pandemonica. She was depressed, to the horrible state, she stopped drinking coffee, and was eating small meals like an apple for a day. And nights were also cut short of memories and nightmares.

"Ey, monica." Malina poked her back
"Eh?" The tired demon turned around
"Gosh, you look terrible... anyways, the boss would like a word with you."
Pandemonica nodded as she quickly washed her face from tears."

"You wanted to speak with me" monica entered the Lucifer's office.
"In the course of theese few weeks you seem to be down. Your stats are severely lowered. What is wrong?"
"It's the thing about the mortal I was with during my trip. I miss him..."
"Do you remember the coordinates you were in. I might be interested in meeting him."
"I understand... I just wish to meet him again even for 1 minute..."
"We will see i he will appeal to me." Lucifer said "Dismissed" she ordered, to which pandy nodded and walked out slowly.

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