Ch. 1: Leaving Home

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Author's Note

Assalamwalaikum, everyone! After finishing Love Means Sacrifice, I'm back with another story. The Moon and Her Stars kind of picks up from where LMS left off, but you don't need to read Love Means Sacrifice to understand TMAHS. This book focuses on Ayaara Saeed, her childhood crush Faris Alam, and a new character, Yasir Amir. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. I hope you all like it and find it interesting! Thank you and lots of love!


Ayaara's P.O.V.


It's what I've dreamt about my entire life— finding the one, showering each other with love, having a home together, chasing after our little babies in our house, and growing old together.

My parents, Ayaan Saeed and Zara Malik, were childhood sweethearts. I've grown up hearing of how passionately in love they were. We lost Ami when I was just two, but Abbajaan is still madly in love with her. He misses her every day and didn't remarry. Zahid Bhaijaan, my eldest brother, 26, just got married to the love of his life, Mehwish Bhabi, 24. Everyone also knows that Javed Bhaijaan, 24, has also found love with his friend, Malaika.

Now, I just can't wait for the day when Far-

Mehwish Bhabi wrapped her arms around my shoulders, plopping down next to me on the couch in the guestroom I was staying in, "Ayaara!"

I was back in New York, my hometown, from Oxford University for Zahid Bhaijaan and Mehwish Bhabi's wedding along with winter holidays. They insisted that I spend my last night in town at their condo.

"Whose thoughts are you lost in?" Mehwish Bhabi asked in a playfully dramatic voice.

I turned to face her, responding quickly, "No one, no one!"

She squinted, looking at me from head to toe, "Please take a look at yourself, madam. You're sitting here alone on the couch, hugging a pillow, and staring at the moon through the window with a smile on your face," she pinched my cheek as she chuckled, "If that doesn't scream that you're lost in your thoughts about someone, then I don't know what does."

"But tell me, honestly. You meet up with Faris, don't you?" she questioned with a teasing smile.

Her nose scrunched up as her grin grew even larger when she noticed I was silent and biting the inside of my lower lip to hide the smile tugging on my lips.

Mehwish Bhabi nudged my shoulder, "So who visits who? You stay in Oxford, while he stays in London. I remember you said its like an hour by train and another thirty minutes by car."

"I... think Zahid Bhaijaan is calling you."

"I didn't hear anything," her furrowed eyebrows then raised up as she turned her head back towards me from facing the door, "Ayaara!"

I giggled.

Mehwish Bhabi was like a sister to me. She has always been so nice and friendly towards me since I met her four years ago. But I felt shy talking to anyone about Faris except for my British roommate in Oxford who has met him, Sheryl.

"Fine!" she stood up, folding her arms, "Don't tell me."

"Love you!" I said to her cheekily.

She sighed, shaking her head, "I love you too. I'll see you at breakfast. Goodnight."


After she stepped out, the door creaked open slightly, "By the way, your brother and I totally ship you guys! You and Faris look so cute together!"

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