Ch. 6: Popping Boba

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Ayaara's P.O.V.

He clipped the bandage in place.

I wiggled my foot once he let go, but the action instantly brought tears to my eyes.

"Is it to-" he looked up at my face and his eyes softened.

His hand reached forward and wiped away the tears that trickled down my cheeks.

"I am sorry, Ayaara."

"It's not your fault."

"Let me call the doc-"

"No, it's fine. If anything, I'll let you know if I need a doctor.

He opened his mouth ready to counter me, but I didn't let him, "I promise."

He nodded before bringing me a glass of water.

I observed him from over the rim as I took a sip.

The way he literally sent Qasim to buy- was Sherry righ-No.

No no.

I'm his employee. I fell right in front of his office. He'd be concerned if it was anyone else too.

But the way he looks into my ey- I also struggle to look awa- his hands... When I held it, it was firm and strong, but it felt so... protective and warm.

Qasim rushed in through the door, once again out of breath, holding a pair of white sandals.

Yasir began taking off my other heel and slipped on the sandals after Qasim handed them to him.

"Thank you, Qasim," I said.

"You're welcome, Ms. Saeed," he smiled.

I placed my feet on the ground and tried standing only to grab onto Yasir's arms for support. His hands pressed against my waist to steady me.

I looked up at him instantly to reassure him, "I'm fine. I don't need a doc-"

"You're going home."


He leaned over to his desk while still holding me with one arm and grabbed his car keys.

"Yasir, there's a lot of work to do-"

"It can wait."

And with that, he lifted me into his arms again, bridal style, as if I weighed nothing.

"Qasim, bring her handbag."

All eyes were glued on us as we strode through the hall, passing by the clusters of cubicles.

Qasim handed me my purse before the elevator opened and I remained silent in Yasir's arms the ride down.

The dominance in his gait rendered me unable to say anything.

He placed me in the passenger's seat and buckled my seatbelt before getting in and driving to my apartment.

I opened the car door once we pulled up, but he got out before I could even stand.

"Yas-" I couldn't even get his name out before he lifted me up again.

I gave up and fished my keys out before handing them to him, and he easily opened the door despite carrying me.

"What floor?"

"Third. 314."

He twisted the keys into the lock once we made it to my flat and flung the door open.

Sherry, who had the day off, was mid-bite of a crisp when it suddenly crumbled into tiny bits seeing Yasir and I.

"The sofa?" he asked.

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