Ch. 3: 1D and Geometry

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Ayaara's P.O.V.

Sheryl plopped down next to me after I got home from work. I was the head coordinator for a company that arranges primarily fashion shows along with other public events.

"So?" she asked.


"Did you meet Mr. Yasir Amir?"

At the mention of his name, his face with his deep honey brown eyes appeared in my mind. I couldn't explain it, but the way he was staring into my eyes so intently, in that moment, I felt captivated to the core. I didn't know what it was. Intimidation? Power in his demeanor? Some form of passion, but for what?

"Earth to Ayaara?" Sheryl waved her hand in front of me.

"Huh? Yeah. I did."

"Is he hotter in person? Wait, you didn't even see his picture before going. But how was he? Hot, right?" she smiled cheekily.

"I have a boyfriend, thank you very much, Sherry. I don't think Faris would appreciate you asking me that," I laughed.

"Nice try. You didn't answer the question, so I take it that you found the bloke attractive."


"Doesn't he kinda look like Zayn Malik?" she spread her elbows at her sides, "But probably a bit taller and buff?"

Huh. Now that she mentioned it, I saw the resemblance.

She nudged me, "He was your favorite from One Direction."

"He still is."

"He left the band. He's not in it anymore."

He would always be a part of it for me!

"And your point is?!" I huffed defensively.

She chuckled, "It's basic geometry."

"I've heard of people say basic chemistry, but basic geometry's a first," I raised my eyebrows, amused.

"Yes. You like Zayn, Zayn looks like Yasir Amir, so you like Yasir Amir."

"What kind of logic is that?! And why do you keep forgetting about Faris?" I laughed.

"Property of transitivity, X=Y, Y=Z, so X=Z," she shrugged.

"You and your math! You're crazy, Sherry. Go back to your laptop and let me read my book. I'm getting to the good part. The girl's fiancé is telling her that he knows she has her memory back and that she likes his brother."

"But, how'd you meet him though?"

"As I was asking the receptionist for him, he turned out to be..." the events of the morning replayed in my brain, "...there."

"He was the receptionist?" a puzzled expression arrived on her face.

"Nooo, he appeared next to me, and I bumped into him."

"Ahh, I see. Did he accuse you of stealing any money?" she joked.

"Do I look like a thief to you?" I played along.

"You're out here stealing hearts left to right, girl, who knows? Maybe you stole his."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my book, unable to pay attention because of Yasir Amir's face flashing in my mind.

Yasir's P.O.V.

It was late into the evening, and I was still in my office finishing up work.

I rested my head against my chair, and as soon as I closed my eyes, the image of the girl from this morning formed in my mind.

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