username3: I love how the boys are fangirling over Sebastian stan 😂
Codychristian: My baby♥️ Ronnidowney: My heart♥️
madisonbaileybabe: Looking good💋 Ronnidowney: love u mads
usernamef: i love them^
Austinnorth55: THATS MY BESTFRIEND GO BESTFRIEND Ronnidowney: Love you bestfriend
drewstarkey: I can see myself in the background👀 Ronnidowney: oh no, Thats Rudy and Madi- oh wait and you too🤣 Drewstarkey: 😶🌫️
Real life:
"Why is he commenting on your post?" Cody asked, looking at his girlfriend's comments.
"He's my friend Cody," She said laughing,already wanting to get away from him, because she knows what's about to happen.
"Yeah but you know i dont like him." He said following her, Ronni ignored him and walked to their room in a rush so she can lock the door.
"Ronni I am talking to you stop walking!" He said holding her wrist, tightly.
"Cody just please, let me go." She whispered, but he ignored her and pulled her close to him.
"Delete that post," He said, but ronni wasn't listening to him she was in her own world. She always does that when Cody is about to attack, she goes to her own world where her and Cody are in a happy and healthy relationship. But she was snapped from her thoughts when she felt a sting on her stomach.
"When I talk to you, You listen." He said grabbing her hair, she whimpered and closed her eyes.
"Delete that fucking post, you look like a slut in it." He said before throwing her to the ground and leaving the house. Ronni whipped her tears and grabbed her phone deleting the post.