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hi baby
I'm taking you on a date
be ready at 8 x

okay love

"I'm so excited!" Madelyn said, Ronni smiled and laid on her bed.

"How am I supposed to say it? when?" Ronni asked looking at the ceiling, "Stop stressing about it Ron, just tell him." Madison said, The three girls were hanging out at Madi's apartment. The girls kept on talking until it was six, Ronni excused herself and went to her apartment to get ready.

At eight PM, the two met in the living room. Drew smiled at his girlfriend before pulling her into a kiss, when they pulled away rudy came out of nowhere and pulled them into a hug.

"Don't be late! have fun. I'll stay at Austin's tonight." Rudy said before pushing them towards the door, the two went to drew's car and Ronni asked to drive. After Dinner, their next destination was the beach. The two sat on the sand and stared at the beach.

"Why do you love the beach?" Drew asked and Ronni smiled before looking at him, "The beach was my mom's favorite place." Ronni said and drew smiled sadly at her before kissing her hand that he was holding, "The beach is where my mom told dad she loves him." Ronni said before grabbing both of Drew's hands and smiled at him. She was nervous, what if he doesn't love her back? what if he thinks it's all too much and fast and wants to break up?

"I love you, Drew." she finally said, Drew was surprised. He didn't expect that. He removed his hands and stood up, Ronni gulped and got up.

"No, no." He said, Ronni's heart shuttered. "I was supposed to say it first, Ronni I'm in love with you." He said, Drew wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

"I'm just hating myself because I took too long to tell you how much I love you." He said and Ronni sighed in relief before pulling back and kissing him. "Let's go home," Ronni said and smirked, Drew chuckled at her before nodding.

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