1. Eat really loudly.
2. Yell, "FOOD FIGHT" and nail somebody in the face (don't do this unless you plan on getting kicked out).
3. "Accidentally" trip and spill your drink all over somebody.
4. Purposefully run into someone and scream, "HEY WATCH IT!".
5 . Continue to eat as you shop.
6. Tap someone on the shoulder and pretend like you didn't do it. (This is simple but highly effective.)
7. If you are strong enough push your table slightly and repeat until someone tells you to stop.
8. Pretend to be outraged by the prices and don't buy the food, after that go to the place right beside them and buy something more expensive.
9. At any food shop ask for 30 ketchup packets.
10. Run around like a maniac.
Hi guys, I am hoping to start this as a replacement book for my other story and I actually have tested all of these so don't worry. Tell me in the comments, how often should I update I hope to update at least once a week if not more. Thanks for your support.