Chapter 1

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*Moving in*



"Daaaaaad" a young boy rumbled, "What now Tommy? We're almost there." The reply came from the front of the car. "Why do we have to move out into such a boring locationnnnn!" Tommy whined. "Stop being such a child" a boy with a beanie over his face yawned.

"I'M NOT A CHILD!" The young boy yelled with visible annoyance. "What are you then? a short tempered racoon?" The boy with the beanie laughed. All you could hear from the front was a loud sigh. "Boys, boys calm down, look." The boys look outside the window, "WE'RE HERE!" Tommy shouts.

All the younger received was an annoyed sigh from the man.

"Phiiiiilll" Tommy suddenly says in a charming tone.

Phil ignored the child without even blinking.

"Wilbur My friend, My right hand man. You won't ignore me will youuuuu?" The child whined.

Wilbur moved the beanie out of his face, his piercing blue eyes now darted at the strawberry blonde.

"Tom-" "We're here boys!" The oni was interrupted.

"FINALLY!" The racoon boy jumped over his brother causing him to jolt up in his seat.

"Tommy you little b*tch boy!" Wilbur yelled.

Now, around an hour later Phil had almost got half of the stuff from the moving truck, he looked at the clock.

°16:28° The winged man thought to himself. He walked towards the porch of the farm house. "WILBUR! TOMMY!" The man shouted.

Nothing. He sighed. "I MADE L'SPAGHETTI! The blonde shouted across the property.

As soon as he stopped shouting two silhouettes appeared around 40 feet away.

A dust cloud surrounding the blue tainted boy, and a few feet behind the oni you could see a very angry strawberry blonde.

Phil didn't want to get all dusty so he went inside to prepare the 'L'spaghetti.'


Wilbur put down the last plate in the drawer, he started a war at the dinner table, so Phil made him do the dishes.

Now that the blue scaled boy was done doing the dishes he went up to his room, or well, the attic.

He rushed up the stairs almost falling, climbed up the ladder and pushed open the trapdoor.

Running trough the attic he pulled open a drawer and pulled out a book.

'Mystics and legends' The book cover read.

He runs his fingers carefully around the old covers and pages of the book, he carefully slid the book open and began to read.


'Skinwalker' Wilbur read. He had spend almost two hours reading about the creepy and fascinating creatures and legends.Now he had gotten to the five last chapters of the book.

"Skinwalker" he mumbled under his breath.

"In Navajo culture, a skin-walker (Navajo: yee naaldlooshii) is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal. In the Navajo language, yee naaldlooshii translates to "by means of it, it goes on all fours". While perhaps the most common variety seen in horror fiction by non-Navajo people, the yee naaldlooshii is one of several varieties of skin-walkers in Navajo culture; specifically, they are a type of 'ánti'įhnii."

Wilbur flew over the page.

"They might also possess living animals or people and walk around in their bodies. Skin-walkers can take on any gender or form"

"WILBUR IT'S TIME FOR BED MATE!" Phil shouted from downstairs.

The oni glared up at the clock on his desk. °22:52? How long did I read?° The blue scaled boy scuffed.

°Great, now I have to brush My teeth° He quickly went downstairs into the bathroom.


Phil was sitting on the porch watching the moon climb the sky, °Finally some peace°

The winged man sighed, a movement in the corner of his right eye caught his attention.

It was a young coyote, he was holding up one paw obviously in pain.

Phil crouched down, "Hey there buddy, do you need help" he cooed.

The coyote slowly came closer visibly unsure on how to react.

In the end the little ones pain convinced it to approach the bird man.

"It's all right mate" Phil cooed.

The coyote placed its paw in the hand of the man.

Phil felt blood stream down the hand the coyotes paw was in.

"Poor guy, what happened to you?" The winged man asked the little guy.

A whimper was the only answer he received.

"Let's get you patched up" Phil sighed, picked up the coyote and went inside.


"Ow" He said without any signs of pain on his face, the only sign stating that the figure was in pain was the enormous bleeding wound along the creatures neck.

"Why did I save food again? Oh yeah" The creature said sarcastically.

"It whined and activated My instincts" He scuffed.

"The all mighty Technoblade, saving a coyote puppy" The hybrid shook his head only to receive a pain as answer. The pinkett sighed to himself.

"A skinwalker saving it's prey, pathetic." He mumbled.

The boy relaxed on the branch.

Next to him an 8'11 (2,71cm) white wolf.

The 'beast' was curled up next to Technoblade on two branches wich webbed with the skinwalkers branch.

°Geez the full Skinwalkers sure are nerds, always preying on the foolish humans.°

The pink haired boy still remembered how his old tribe or at least what he called a tribe once haunted a human 'till it gave up on life.

"Tsk" The hybrid scoffed at the memory, "We're all just monsters aren't we Steve?" the white wolf let out a heavy sigh. "Bruhhh"

"Steve that wasn't a very convincing answer you know?"

Technoblade said in a sarcastic monotone voice.

"You should get out hunting more Steve, all you do is walk around and scare humans."

He let out a pain coated laugh.

"Steve?" "Mhhhr" The wolf answered.

"Can you get me some marigold and cobweb?

The pinkett turned his head towards the white pelt mountain.

A huff and the white pelt mountain landing on the ground, was the answer he received.

A bit later Steve came back, front legs coated in thick cobwebs and a bunch of marigold between his jaws.

"Thank you nerd."


Ayeee 1,034 words in official chapter one :D

My fingers are cold lmao-

See ya hoor ^^


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