Chapter 14

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-Showing off my amazing art skills/j No but honestly, this turned out better than I thought, though, it still sucks lol. Anyways, why do I always get sudden motivation to write when it's really inconvenient-? But yeah, already a new chapter? Yep, anyways, boo bye, start the chapter and ignore your breakdown earlier present me. I just realised Techno looks really short in that picture, he is very much not short. START THE GOODDARN CHAPER!- 

*Look who decided to un-drown*

Friday 10:16 am

Wilbur sat up and yawned, °I really need to get back home, Dad must be worried sick..° "Hm? Wil.. where are you going?" Sally yawned behind him, she rubbed her eyes and stared up at him. "I wanted to go home, sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." He scratched the back of his head with an apologetic smile. "Wilbur you literally don't know how to get out of this cave without drowning, you need me to get you out of here idiot." She giggled. "S-Shut up, I'm not an idiot!" The Oni teen grumbled. "Anyways, can I get up now? Or would you rather sit on me the entire day? I mean I have nothing against that but you said you wanted to go home- soo." Sally tried sitting up but Wilbur was sitting on her arm.

"Oh gosh sorry Sally!" Wilbur swiftly got up and held out a hand for Sally to take. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, now go get dressed and meet me back here so I can finally meet your family." She had a sarcastic tiredness in her voice. "Wait what-?" Wilbur was about to ask more questions but Sally pushed him towards his now dry clothes. "Just get dressed you idiot." She rolled her eyes. Finally Wilbur went towards his clothes and slipped them on. When he had finished putting on his clothing he went back over to Sally who had got dressed as well. "Took you long enough Mr.Handsome." Sally over dramatically rolled her eyes. "Now follow me, since you can't breath underwater we'll have to go the long way." She turned towards the part of the cave that expanded way backwards out of sight. "Sorry that I'm not a fish Mrs.I'm a Salmon." He said with a slight smirk.


They had been walking, crawling, climbing and waddling through the cave for about an hour when Wilbur finally spotted sunlight in a fair distance. This had to been one of the biggest lush caves on earth, he was sure of it. A sudden urge pulled him towards the warm sunlight making him start running towards the cave's exit. "Hey! Wait you dork!" Sally exclaimed behind him before jogging after him. A few metres before reaching the exit Wilbur tripped over a dripleaf making him stumble and almost fall, if Sally didn't catch him, he surely would've managed to hit his head somewhere and be out cold for several days. But that didn't happen thanks to Sally catching him. "Damn, you're pretty strong!" Wilbur stood safely again and turned around towards Sally. "No thank you? No? Oh well, I'll take that as a compliment though."  She smiled at him.

"Anyways, you wanna show me around up there? I haven't been on the surface since I was 5. So I might need some guidance." She walked past Wilbur and dragged him by his arm not even bothering to wait for an answer. They eventually reached the surface and were met with snow and a grey sky. "Brrr, it's cold... Blegh why did it have to snow?" The Oni teen shuddered. "I don't care what that white powdery stuff is, but I wanna see your home, so move your butt and show me where it is." Sally dragged him out into the cold snow. "A-alright, I g-g-get it! Y-you can let g-go now!" Wilbur proceeded to shudder. "I live in that direction" He pointed towards a small maple forest his breath becoming visible as a small cloud in the process of making that statement. "Great then let's go!" Sally once again dragged him by his wrist.

..... (Yes another small time skip)

Finally the ranch had come into view, Wilbur sighed in relief. It was way too cold to be dressed in only jeans and a sweater. They basically jogged the last few 100 feet towards the ranch, as Wilbur did not want to be out in the cold for longer than necessary. When he finally stepped onto the front porch and turned the doorknob the teen was so relieved he could've sworn even Tommy could feel it. Footsteps came rushing down the stairs startling Sally a bit. "Wilbur?! Is that you?" Phil's voice quickly came closer as he rushed down the stairs and through the livingroom. "Yeah it's me dad, I'm finally home. I'm only a bit cold, nothing else." Wilbur smiled as Phil came rushing towards him and engulfed him in a hug. 

Friday 12:27 pm

Tommy was having a nightmare, mid-day. "Tomathy! Hide under the sofa! Now!" His mother yelled at the barely 3 year old. "B-but mom! I don't want to hide without you!" He sobbed, tears staining his face. "Tomathy, listen honey, we're playing hide and seek alright? You go hide under the sofa while me and our guest search for you alright? Make sure you'll win for me alright Toms? I love you, don't ever forget that." She smiled at him, her brown eyes full of love for her little son. "O-okay mommy.." Tommy sobbed and pressed himself to the ground sliding under the sofa. 

■■■■■■■■■■■■ TW: Guns/Gunshots, Knives, Blood, Death, ect. Got the whole package.                        ■■■■■■■■■■■■

"What do you want Hildegard!? I already payed for all my debts!" His mother screamed at the person fully clothed in black. BANG. He silently cried at the loud noise, his mother held her leg tightly as she stumbled. "W-what are you doing!" Instead of answering his mother the person in black pulled out a big knife. Tommy's eyes widened in shock as that knife came flying forward piercing through his mothers hand holding her knee. She cried out in pain. Another knife hit his mother in the upper left arm, the young boy watched in terror as more and more knifes found their way into his mothers body. He wanted to scream, to help her but he couldn't move, he couldn't do anything but cry and wait. After another painful scream of his mother rang through the house it went dead silent. She crashed to the ground and remained still. It was almost over. The fully in black clothed person slowly pulled out every knife in his mothers body leaving open and bleeding wounds exposed to the dusty air around. Tommy wanted to scream so bad but he kept quiet. He wouldn't loose this hide and seek, his mother told him to win at all cost, so that's what he did, he waited for the masked person to leave, after a while they did.

He had won, but at what cost?


-1234 words-

-Solid chapter for being in pain I'd say, ugh my eyes are dry and hurt, this was a pain to write to be honest. But here it is, another Chapter, crazy Innit? Anyways, I just realised how much the drawing sucks lol, 5 hours of waste. So yeah, surprisingly decent chapter go brrrr-

-I haven't been proofreadind the last few just simply because I'm too tired lol.-

-Anyways, have a good day and/or night!-


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