Memories from the Past (dodgeball battle)

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Ok... Last chapter wasn't that great and I need some ideas. PLZ help!

Your Past P.O.V

You and the Avengers were bored. Like... REALLY bored. That was saying a lot. The Helacarrier was full of all sorts of gizmos. Flying scooters, huge flatscreen TVs, and all sorts of cool technology. Yet there you were, lazing about with all your friends and Peter. You had just woken up from a nap and found your head in Peter's lap. "Hey you guys want to play a game a dodgeball?" Stark asked. You immediately sat up. "Yes!" You and Stark were the team captains. "Ladies first." Stark said. "Mmmmm." You thought for a moment. "Tash." "Spidy." And so it began. In the end your team consisted of; Natahsa, Fury, Bruce, Thor. On Stark's team was; Clint, Steve, Pepper, and Peter. The group went to the helacarrier court and invited all the agents to watch. Almost everyone on the ship turned up, cheering from the sidelines for their team. Bets were placed and you lined up on the line.

Stark's team was ready first. Both he and Pepper were wearing iron man suits and they quickly pulled the masks down. You were tempered to giggle. Stark had given Pepper a hot pink suit and they looked adorable, ready to destroy the opposing team. You could see why people shipped them. Peter was decked out in his standard uniform like Clint and Steve. The teams were allowed to used their superpowers to a certain extent. No indoor lightning basically.

Your team stood on the sidelines. Tash fired up her wristbands and Fury whipped out his guns. Bruce glanced around timidly and you smiled to yourself. Thor tossed his hammer and readjusted it, ready for "battle". Marie walked into the center of the court with a whistle and black and white shirt. "Ready?" The crowed cheered as she yelled into the microphone in her hand. "Go!" Both teams ran for the balls. Stark got there first and took at least 3/5 of the balls for his team before your team reached the remaining few. You grabbed two balls and tossed on to Natasha. Backing up, you waited for the first move.

Thor struck first, throwing a ball he obtained at Clint who dodged it with ease. Then balls shot out from both sides. Soon, all of you, or at least the people not in air conditioned suits, were heating up. Only Bruce remained inactive, since he had stayed timidly in the back the whole time

Stark threw a ball at Bruce. You watched as Bruce saw it coming then smiled, much to your confusion. Slowly he grew in size. By the time the ball reached its target, it was caught with one giant green hand. The crowd roared as Hulk yelled. "Hulk destroy metal man!" And threw it at alarming speed. "Oh F-" the ball hit Tony in his robotic face and the great iron man face-planted on the court. Marie whistled. "Out!"

Stark crossed his arms like a small child at sat on the sidelines. One down four to go. The crowd was going crazy and you felt adrenaline rush through your veins. "Avengers Assemble!" Came a voice on the other side. You saw Steve standing in a classic heroic pose and he pointed at the hulk and the remaining team members throwing the ball at one time. Hulk roared then jumped up and out of the way of the onslaught. You grabbed a ball and threw in at Peter who shot it out of the way with his web. "Sorry." He called as you glared at him. Suddenly a dodgeball arrow zoomed past your face. You turned and faced Clint who was sticking the balls he got on arrows and firing them. Fury came beside you and shot some of them out of the air as he yelled to you. "I hope you have a plan ms. Parker." "I'm thinking!" Suddenly the lights went out and you froze. The quiet that followed was interrupted by a spotlight in Marie who yelled. "Time to up your game Players!" Then black lights were turned on and rock music began to play. Lights flashed and you felt like you were playing dodgeball at a concert. The black lights had no effect on you appearance but made it east to spot Pepper. She must of turned on her night vision because she was throwing ball after ball at something in the air which you assumed was Thor. Suddenly you heard a yell and a thud. "Thor! Out!" Yelled Marie. The crowd screamed out as the game continued.

Soon, Pepper was taken out by Fury and Fury and Bruce were taken out by Clint. You found Tash defending herself from all three boys in the corner of the arena. "Need some help!?" You yelled over the music. "Yea. A bit!" She yelled back. The pair of you stood back to back and dodged blows from almost all sides. You looked around for any sign of the source of the bombardment. Squinting, you caught glimpse of a sheild. Grabbing a ball you threw it and heard the crowd scream. "Capt. Hit!" Marie yelled, clearly enjoying this. "Aim for Clint!" Tash yelled. "Why?" "Can't let him beat me!" Then a ball came out of nowhere and you yanked Tash to the side. "Let's survive this first ok? They'll have to run out of balls soon enough!" Sure enough, you were right, eventually, the onslaught died down and you were able to readjust your ground. Then it was the ladies turn to play. You threw ball after ball, an endless array. You didn't even need to think anymore. You were totally into it. Everything was in slow motion. You turned your head as the sound of ball hitting someone was heard. Natasha had been taken out by Peter. "Agent Romanolf. Out!" You quickly turned back to your enemies side only to see a balk flying straight at you. Amazingly, you caught it and the whole helacarrier shook with the screams of the agents. "Clint. Y/N caught your ball meaning your.... out!"

The light of the helacarrier focused themselves on the two remaining people,money to each side. You vs Peter. "Not only is this the battle of the sexes but the battle of the weds!" Marie yelled as the music died down. "Spiderman vs Y/N who will win? Aaaaaannnd......" The whole room went silent as you tensed, ready to begin. "GO!!!" The room burst into sound with new music and the cheers of the agents and your teammates as both you and your husband grabbed for some balls. There were luckily two balls right next to you so you quickly grabbed them and turned to Peter. He was using his webs to collect up all the balls on his side which was luckily only four.

You slowly backed up slightly and walked to the side of the arena. You couldn't step over the line or you would be out but maybe you could use it to your advantage. The crowd began a chant battle, half cheering you name, the other half Spidys.

Spidy called out over the noise. "Sorry sweetie! I'll go easy on you ok?" He said as he threw a ball, not at all easy, towards you. You flipped out the the way and yelled back. "But I won't!" Apperently, your conversation was transmitted to the crowd who went more wild and hyped then they already were. You threw a ball with all your strength at Peter who swung out if the way. "Let's spice this up!" Marie yelled as she pushed a few buttons. Suddenly, more balls came down from nearby shoots. You picked one up and read, in the flashing lights, smoke bomb. They were lettin you guys use smoke bombs!?! You quickly looked over at Peter who was collecting up as many as he could into his arms. You smiled slyly and put on your heat detector goggles. Then, aiming carefully, threw the smoke bomb. Peter saw it coming as tried to use all the balls in his arms as blockades. The ball hit the center of his pile, activating itself and most of the other balls in Peters arms. Smoke filled his side of the arena and you quickly grabbed a normal ball and scanned the surrounding area for his heat signature.

Soon, you found it and tried aiming at him. But the smoke began to wear off and Peter saw you. He quickly grabbed 5 balls the threw them at you. You stared in shock before leaping into action. How you did what you did in those 25 seconds you had no idea but you found yourself jumping up and twirling around, dodging the first two balls. You then landed on your hands and did a few backflips away from the next one and dodged the other one like in the matrix. Four down one to go. You quickly stood up and put your hands out just as the ball hit you in the chest and you fell backwards. the crowd was silent as you lay there for a second before shooting you arm up in victory as the rows of agents went wild. In you hand was the 5th ball Peter had thrown at you and you had caught. "Spiderman out. Y/N had won the game!!!" Marie cheered.

You smiled and lay there as your team ran over and lifted you high into the air and paraded around. Soon after, you all went to shawarma and Peter approached you. "Hey sweetie." He said as he kissed the top of your head. "Nice job on the game." You smiled and closed your eyes. It was moment ,Ike this you really enjoyed with Peter. You opened your eyes and saw Clint and Natasha talking to one another. And Tash was smiling! Maybe they would get together and then you would have someone else's love life to talk about. You remembered closing your eyes and before you knew it, you were asleep.

Ok this chapter was really more of a I ran out of ideas thing. (Although I did enjoy it) PLZ HELP MEA. All comments will be greatly appreciated. Also, PLZ vote for what story I should write next by commenting on my news and updates book. Thank you all so much.

~ ApocalypseRaccoon *dodgeball with Batman* :3

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