Up all night to get Loki

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Peter's P.O.V

Peter was sprawled out in front of the TV.  His hair was uncombed and Cheetos lay scattered all around him.  He switched through the channels on TV.  Teen Titans Go! Click.  Oh Anderson don't speak you'll lower the IQ of the whole street. Click.  Don't be Lasagna.  Click.  Ninja GO! Ninja Go! Come on Come on we can win! Finally, defeated and annoyed, Peter switched off the TV.  Suddenly he heard laud clangs coming from the other room.  Tony and Bruce fell through the door speaking at 100 miles per hour.  "Peter! Peter!"  "Get up! Get up!"  "Come on! We got to get him before he gets away!  No time!"  Peter put out his hands to calm them down.  "Whoa.  What is it?"  "Y/N! That's who man!" Tony yelled in his face.  Peter sat up.  "WHAT!  Where?!?"  Bruce then added frantically.  "Well technically we found Loki.  He's at some bank in the Capital.  Catch him and we find Y/N.  But we have to hurry."  Peter jumped up.  "Bruce.  Prep a ship."  Bruce nodded and ran out of the room.  "Tony.  Can you grab the rest of he team?"  "You got it."  Tony ran out the room after Bruce.  Peter looked out the window and put his hand on the glass.  "I'm coming for you Y/N.  No matter what it takes.

Natasha's P.O.V

Tash was training when Stark had run in running around out of breath like a manic.  Now, she too was running (in a non-maniac way) to the Avengers ship on the deck.  She loaded her guns as she jumped onto the ship.  "When was the last sighting?" She said, immediately getting down to business as she turned on the ship.  Clint slid into the seat next to her.  Brue adjusted his glasses.  "20 minutes ago.  As far as we know he's still inside."  Thor shook his head.  "I never knew my brother could be such trouble."  "He won't be for much longer." Spidy growled from where he sat in the corner.  With that, all conversation ended.  They took off and flew for the bank.

Some time later... Clint's P.O.V

Natasha clicked a few buttons on the console.  "Time to drop.  Try and keep a low profile for once.  I'll come as soon as I can land this baby."  Clint stood up and grabbed his bow.  "It was nice to finally get to fight Loki again without being mind-controlled.   He adjusting his arrows and got ready to drop down on the roof.  The back opened and Thor flew out, carrying Bruce.  Bruce wasn't exactly a fan of heights especially since the jolt might make him... hulk out.  Capt jumped out next.  "Was he wearing a parachute?"  Peter asked.  Clint smiled.  "Nope."  Then Clint jumped out and tightened his hand on the parachute string.  Spidy jumped out last, attaching his web to nearby buildings for a softer landing.  Clint waited until the last possible second before deploying his chute.  The parachute spread out and jolted his fall.  He had the parachute open for less than a few seconds before releasing it and rolling to the ground.  It was late at night so he only received a few confused stares.  Clint looked away from the onlookers and, cracking his neck and stretching his bow arm, he made his way to the main entrance of he bank.  Clint clicked his earpiece.  "Everyone online?"  "Affirmative." Steve, Tony, and Tash said.  "Aye." Thor said.  "Yep." Peter and Bruce said lastly.  "Ok.  I'll cover the front entrance.  Tony, Tash, guard the sky.  Bruce, Thor, guard the west entrance.  Spidy, you cover the-"  Clint was interrupted as both Spidy and Thor crashed inside.  Soon, Clint was almost run over by the mob that ran out.  "Or we could just.... Attack."  Clint ran inside and looked for Loki.  He soon found him standing on one of the tables, staff ready and charged up.  "Brother!"  Thor boomed out, hammer ready to throw at him at moments notice.  "Stop this madness!  Release Y/N!  Come home!"  "What home?  And you are NOT my brother!"  "Loki if you don't release Y/N..." Thor stopped.  "What?  You'll drag me 'home' in chains."  "Yes... but if you give us Y/N, you will be able to have a trial and perhaps spent some off your life away from bars."  Loki laughed.  "You ask me where Y/N is but I do not have her."  Clint squinted his eyes.  He didn't trust this loon.  Spiderman stormed up to him and slammed him against the wall.  "Don't play games.  You have her.  Now WHERE IS SHE!!!"  "Had her.  She was merely a chip."  Clint could picture Spidy squinting under his mask.  "For what?"  "For my own purposes.  It is none of your concern."  "Vault 34."  Natasha said walking in.  Loki smiled at her.  "What?"  Tash put a gun to his head.  "Don't play dumb.  There's something in the vault your trying to get."  Loki put up his hands.  "And how would you know that?"  Natasha's face remained unmoving.  "There's a key in your pocket."  Loki's face fell and Clint couldn't help feeling a surge in his chest.  That was his dream girlfriend right there.  Thor came over and took the staff from Loki's hand and held his arms behind his back.  "Get him to the ship and try to keep him contained."  Tash said.  "You too Stark."  She added as they left.  Then she turned to Bruce.  "Hack onto the data base and try to find the owner of the vault.  We'll go check it out."  Clint followed Tash and Peter down the hall.  The vault was in the center of  the bank.  It was heavily guarded but after having Bruce patch them through they made their way to the vault.  Spidy plugged in the code and Tash and Clint both aimed at the vault as it creaked open.  Inside was a hunk of metal.  Natasha pulled a scanner out of her belt and scanned it.  She read the result and quickly, grabbing the metal, walked briskly down the hall.  Clint and Spidy looked at one another before running after her.  

Natasha slammed the metal down on top of the table where Bruce was working.  "Whose it it?"  She said.  "Still working of that."  "What's wrong?" Clint asked.  Natasha turned to him.  "This is anamantium.  One of the rarest and most difficult metals to maintain.  No one should have access to it."  "Got it." Bruce said as he pressed one more key and adjusted his glasses.  "Says the vault belongs to Harry Osborn."  Peter froze.  "Peter?  What's wrong?"  "Harry.... He's supposed to be in prison."  Natasha took Bruce's chair with him in it and pushed him away.  Pulling up a new chair she quickly began typing at lightning speed.  "Hill.  She said into her earpiece.  Hook this baby up to the main computer and send me all the files you have on Harry Osborn."  Bruce scooted back over and looked over her shoulder like the rest of the group.  "Says he was bailed out a few months ago."  "He's behind this.  I'm sure of it." Peter said.  Then he slammed his fist down on the table.  "We have to get him!  Who knows what he'll do to her?"  Tash turned to him.  "Peter we all miss Y/N and will do anything to protect her safety but we need to slow down.  We don't even know where she is."  Peter stopped.  "But he will." He quickly turned and stormed out of the bank.  Clint exchanged looks with Bruce.  "And I thought you were dramatic." He said to the Hulk.  "Yea.  Same." Bruce replied.

Bruce's P.O.V

We quickly got up and ran after Peter.  Although the situation was dire, Bruce couldn't help thinking about his past times where he had gotten dramatic like that.  But he also remembered all his trouble was the fault of him getting cocky.  He didn't want Peter to do anything stupid.  Bruce made his way into the ship finding Spidy had yet again pinned Loki against the wall demanding answers.  "Where is she!  You know!  Don't play stupid with me!"  Bruce was holding back a cringe. He glanced over at Tony.  His science buddy was for once silent, watching the events go down.  "Put him down."  Natasha said.  "Now...." She said lowering her voice.  Peter eventually lifted him down to the floor.  She then went up to Loki and stared into his eyes as he smirked back at her.  Then she whispered something in his ear and he grew paler than usual.  "Oswald's at his mansion in the country."  Natasha nodded.  "That will be all for now.  We drop him off and the carrier along with the metal then... we go after Harry."  She said walking to the control room as all the boys watched her leave in awe and fear.  "And I thought you were scary."  Tony said to Bruce.  "Yea."  Bruce turned and looked at Clint who watched her leave with a lovesick smile on his face.  That guy needed some serious help if he wanted to date that girl.

Well, this chapter sounded a lot better in my head.  But then again, I watching X-men when I wrote this.  Oh well.  A for effort.  Anyway, hope you can comment to determine as ending for this story as well as a topic for my next work.  Stay amazing.

~ ApocalypseRaccoon *starts grooving to 'Get Loki'.... I mean... "lucky"* :D

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