Nothing will pull us apart

762 19 17

Y/n, Ziggy and Cindy are desperately searching for Sarah Fier's body in attempt to connect her hand with the body and end the Shadyside curse for good but will Y/n,her best friend and Girlfriend have a tragic ending or a happy ending?

TW-  Injury in detail and blood


We stopped under the tree and began to desperately claw at the ground and dig.

"Dig dig dig," Cindy said with desperation .

"No shit what does it look like were doing Cindy." I muttered under my breath loud enough for both Cindy and Ziggy to hear.

"How can you still be sarcastic in a life or death situation like this?"  Cindy asked with a weak smile gasping for air between each word while still digging.

"Guys." stammered Ziggy.

I looked up at the same time as Cindy to see what Ziggy was talking about. Killers were closing in from every direction this is the end, this is it we aren't making it out of this. My eyes began to well up with tears that were threatening to fall. No I can't cry not now I have to stay strong for Cindy and Ziggy.

"Just- Just keep digging," Trembled Cindy "Faster, we can't give up now."

I began to hear angelic singing I stopped digging to see where it was coming from to see a lady. Wait what... isn't that Nurse Lanes daughter? Wait no I can't get distracted now. I continued digging until I heard the shovel Ziggy was using hit something.  I reached down into the hole to help lift out what was inside praying that it was what we were looking for.

 What the fuck....? Its just a stupid rock. I grunted in annoyance and slammed my fist into the ground.

"The.. the witch lives forever?" questioned Cindy

"Cindy what does it mean?" asked Ziggy with annoyance evident in her voice. Ziggy repeated herself but still got no response.

"I- I don't know." whispered Cindy

It broke my heart to see Cindy like this it was like all the hope she had just.. disappeared.

"No where is it where is the body!" shouted Ziggy each word getting louder as she spoke.

I checked the hole a second time in case the body magically appeared but no. It was still empty and all we had was a fucking rock.

"Okay look we don't have time for this we need to go." I said grabbing Cindy's hand reassuringly and looking into her brown eyes seeing the worry in them. I could have sworn something flickered in her eyes for a second, in that very moment something snapped in her. She pulled me in for one last passionate kiss before reaching out to her sister and squeezing her hand. She bent down and picked up Sarah Fier's hand and waved it around in the air.

"What do you want Sarah Fier!?" she screamed "You want this? You can have it!"

"Just let my sister and girlfriend live!" She said before repeating herself again.

"I would rather die than live without you Cindy, if you go down i'm going down too." I said grabbing Sarah Fier's hand and placing it on the ground. "But right now we need to go."

Cindy paused lost in thought. She shot me a warm smile before looking at Ziggy.

"You bled on the bones they're after you," concluded Cindy "Okay get ready to run me and Y/n will lead them away,"

Cindy took the shovel and charged towards Tommy hitting him with all the strength she could. I followed close behind seeing Ziggy darting in the opposite direction and screaming at her sister. Tommy flew back slightly before bringing himself up again and swinging his axe making it connect with Cindy's face causing her to fall backwards. In this very moment everything started to move in slow motion as I threw myself at Tommy with all my might only to be met with the same fate as Cindy. I could  hear Ziggy's screams as I turned just in time to see a knife be thrust into her side. The tears I had been holding back for so long finely fell as I  hit the ground. My whole world was falling apart as I witnessed my Best Friend cough and splutter blood and my Girl Friend get hit repeatedly making crimson red blood spray everywhere.

I reached out for both of there hands and managed to intertwine them with both of there hands as I lay between them. All that could be heard was Ziggy gagging from the blood that was overflowing out of her mouth and the sound of the axe being brought down on Cindy. 

"I love you with all my heart and nothing will pull us apart," whispered Cindy.

"Never again," replied Ziggy.

 "Promise me you'll take care of Ziggy." continued Cindy.

"I promise," I whispered back before her body went limp. I let out a sob as Tommy began to make his way towards me before bringing down the knob of his axe on the side of my head and losing consciousness.


I woke up to find my self lying down on a stretcher. I felt a throbbing feeling coming from the side of my head and reached up to find a bandage wrapped around my head. I then lifted my self up nearly losing  consciousness again and looked around for Ziggy and Cindy. I found Ziggy lying in the back of an ambulance with Nick Goode and a police officer in front of her my e/c eyes met her sad blue ones I shot her a friendly smile before proceeding to look around for Cindy.

My heart stopped when I saw her. I used the last bit of strength left in me to push past police officers and say goodbye to Cindy.Finally, I stopped in front of her. She was completely covered in blood and had multiple gashes. Just the sight of her was enough to make me black out again. I bent down to place a kiss on her forehead and then held her hand until the paramedics told me I had to let go and they had to send her away.

July 19th 1978 the day I look back to every single day. I often wish I died with Cindy. When she died a part of me died too. She left me with one purpose and that was to protect Ziggy.

Authors Note: Dude I spent like 5 hours writing this chunky ass imagine  because I had to watch these scenes again and again and then had to brain storm ideas. Anyway i hope it wasn't too cringe or bad. Who should I do next and also thanks for reading till the end .


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