Witch Bitch

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Authors Note: Dead ass terrified rn I love me some romance books but when it comes to writing them.. anyway i hope this isn't too bad
TW: Fluff( YES IK AH )
Third Person POV

The music started to grow louder as Y/n approached the cabin with a plate full of eggos. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door and waiting anxiously for Ziggy to open it. She knew Ziggy was in a bad mood after what Sheila and her goons did to her and after Nurse Lane got taken away and  she wanted to check if she was okay. She was her best friend after all thats what best friends are for right?

 But deep inside Y/n yearned to be more than just Ziggy Bermans best friend. She wanted her relationship with Ziggy to be more than a friendship. The only thing stopping her from confessing her feelings was Nick Goode. It was quite obvious he had a thing for her and she wasn't sure if Ziggy felt the same but he still had more of a chance than Y/n would ever have because he was a guy and only guys got the girls. Well that was how Y/n saw it. Meanwhile, Ziggy was still trying to accept the possibility that she liked girls. She was  scared because she didn't know if her mother and sister would be supportive or not.

"Go away Cindy!" screamed Ziggy as she poured red paint into another bucket.
"Girl, its me," replied Y/n.

Ziggy let out a sigh of relief as she screamed for Y/n to come in. As Y/n came in she continued to pour paint into a bucket. Y/n gasped at what she saw on the walls before letting out a laugh. The words 'Ziggy is a witch bitch' and a collection of many more unpleasant words were plastered on the wall.

 "Witch Bitch? You know what im kinda digging it." teased Y/n.  Ziggy couldn't help but let a smile grow on her face as she got up to playfully punch Y/n on the shoulder. "Fuck Off."

Y/n knew how much the names got to Ziggy and she just wanted to lighten the mood. "I just wanted to check if you were okay I heard what that bitch Sheila did to you, they really need to send her to a mental institution or something because shes crazy as hell,"

"Tell me about it," scoffed Ziggy "Well yeah I should be okay Nurse Lane gave me some cream before she got taken away, I still don't believe she tried to murder my  goody two shoe sisters perfect boyfriend Tommy,"

Y/n's POV

It doesn't make sense at all. Nurse Lane is probably one of the nicest people I've ever met and I know how much she meant to Ziggy. 

"Yeah there had to be a reason right?" I said to reassure Ziggy.
"Yeah there must be," she mumbled.

I looked down at bucket full of a red liquid.
"Hmm, looks like blood," I commented.
"Yeah well I didn't have a pig...so"
"Carrie, cool"
"You've read Carrie?" asked Ziggy surprise clearly evident in her voice.
"Second favorite after Salem's lot and also Stephen King is pretty main stream, anyway what are you planning to do with this?" I said sitting down beside her seeing a blush slowly appear on her face. I then placed the eggos on the bed side table.

Ziggy's POV

I've known Y/n for two years and she still drives me crazy. Anytime i'm around her I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Whenever she hugs me or looks into my eyes my stomach erupts with butterflies. I love the friendship we have but.... I wan't something more. But if I confess my feelings it could mess up our friendship. 

As she sat beside me I felt my face begin to heat up.

Third person POV

Y/n turned her head to look at Ziggy waiting for a response but it didn't seem to come. She locked eyes with the red headed girls bold blue alluring eyes. She seemed to be in her own world. 
Ziggy admired Y/n, everything about her was just perfect even the things that Y/n considered imperfections were beautiful to Ziggy. 
(Yes your gorgeous babes)
Ziggy's eyes darted down to Y/ns lips before looking back into her eyes again. She seemed hesitant at first but she slowly moved in before stopping right in front of Y/ns lips as if asking for consent. Y/n finally closed the gap, there lips moved in unison and the kiss deepened. Y/n let both hands rest on the back of Ziggy's neck. They had both entered a state of euphoria as Ziggy grinned into the kiss. When they both finally pulled away they were left breathless and speechless.

"Wow," whispered Ziggy. Y/n simply nodded her head still completely speechless from what had just happened. 
"So.... what does this make us?" asked Ziggy.
"I guess that would make the Witch Bitch my girlfriend right?" chuckled Y/n.
"I guess so." Ziggy happily said pulling Y/n into a hug.
"So whats the paint or whatever it is for then?" asked Y/n.
Ziggy mischievously smirked "A prank."
"Don't you think this is a bit.... pedestrian? I have a better idea that involves nature." said Y/n with a troublesome grin.
They both rushed out the cabin hand in hand gaining funny looks but not having a care in the world.

Authors Note:i wrote this while listening to 1950 by King Princess on repeat. Currently shaking, first time writing fluff and defo won't be the last. Dude this writing thing is hard this shit took me like 3 days mainly because I have a huge procrastinating problem and can't get things done. Anyway hope you enjoyed the story. Constructive Criticism on how I can improve and dropping a vote is always cool. 


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