Once a Child

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Have you ever seen the light in the day when you thought wow how beautiful this is and think you'd see it every day well for me no, well I never was the good child in the family my sister Ava was always little miss sweetheart see my family thinks I do every thing wrong so for instance when I was eight and Ava was five my parents thought I pushed Ava out the door but she just jumped. Anyway my parents locked me up in the attic and only the left overs from there plates come to me at dinner time. Anyway I once had a dream that the devil came down to talk with me and told me to kill my sister but when I woke up thank god it was just a dream but when my parents opened the door Ava was in front of my door dead. My parents were balling. They where like what have you done and of course I say I've been sleeping all night. They don't believe me then they slap me over and over and I screamed and cried and bleed to death. But I still live, later that night my dad committed suicide and my mother was sleeping so I went to sleep the devil was there again and said I killed your dad now you kill your mom or I will. I had to so I did I had not realized that when Ava died I turned red when the devil made my dad commit suicide I grew big ears and wings when I killed my mom I grew fangs and the devil came down and gave me his pitchfork and I became the new devil and the old devil died.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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