Alphabets with Andrea

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"Ayo Hitman Bang Introduces!"

"Bro, you can't even solve a word puzzle, how are ya gonna solve my problems?.😕"

"Can't you see me??? Yah! Choi Yeonjun, ..... friends don't understand me anymore😔."

"Date you? Yes babe, say less. Boyfriend? What's that? I only know Roses.😩"

"Everyone shush, Goddess Jisoo just sent me a voice message, I need to listen to her heavenly voice."

"Fu- fudge you, look, I said fudge, don't look at me like that.🙂"

"Gordon Ramsay, let's do a dance battle and see who wins. I'm gonna roast you like one of your perfectly roasted chickens, mannnn.😎"

"HonuULLU?, oh wait, what is it?.......OH!😲 Honolulu, WAIT- I'M SORRY-🥺 *paniks*"

"I'm so Lo-o-o-o-o-o-o, okay enough of O's, nelyyyyyy."

"J-hope is really not giving me hope right now.🙂"

"Kun-ge taught me Chinese. Arigatōgozaimas. Oh wait that's Japanese. Stop laughing, I'm in a existential crisis right now."

"Love is an open door? Why would you tag me under this tweet?. Ya'll need help?🤨"

"Maybe if you stanned Mamamoo, you wouldn't be in this predicament.🤷🏻‍♀️"

"Not in front of my Jjajangmyeon you dumbass😑- ew- get out."

"Ooops, you're not invited. Teeheee."

"Please, who even said you're alive?, you won't be in a minute anyway. Run if you can."

"Questions are meant to be left questionable. What is our next generation gonna struggle with if we solve everything. That'll be unfair.......ummmm yeah, that's why I didn't answer any of the questions in the test, absolutely not because I didn't study."

"Rich. That is what they call me 'round here."

"Seukka Seukka. Dodo, am I doing it righ- *Recieves glare from Doyoung* okay I'll stop."

"There are so many human beings here."

"Unlike you both, I actually have homework, and it's algebra. *Deadpans*"

"Voldemort Sunbaenim was jealous because Harry had a pretty nose. He just wanted a nose. Dude has a weird nose fetish."

"Why can't I be paid for being good looking? It takes a lot of hardwork.😔"

"Xiexiee brooooooooo. Nope, I'm not drunk."

"You cannot ask me about studies. I barely pass myself, I'll make you fail if I give advices."

" Zhong Chenle is NOT my NCT Bias. Who even said that? I don't even know who he is. Who is he?"



(these quotes are part of either her v-lives, A-day videos or personal vlogs that aren't written in this book. You'll get more detailed stuff in 'GOTTA GO'.)

Just randomly posting before I start editting the MAMA chapter.

After MAMA we have SBS and MBS Gayo Daejun and boom, 'SOLO' ends.🙂

So before the ending I'll post the ship chapters.
There'll be individual BIGHIT GROUPS category (2019) based.

(I can't do Seventeen because I don't really know what they are like EXACTLY. I don't wanna offend carats or disrespect the members by wrongly writing their character-)

And extra ships.

(YA'LL CAN LEAVE YOUR SHIPS WHICH I CAN WRITE) pls don't randomly throw a ship in, I need to stay in context with what I've written till now.

Do ya'll want:

(1) incorrect quotes #2
(2) iconic moments/lines.
(3) request.

Also, this book ends in a few chapters. And it ends with a treat for ChaeLixers and a surprise for everyone. Heheheheh.

Finally, 'Gotta Go' isn't all fun and games with a few sad moments like SOLO. It will have quite a few ups and a lot of downs. We need struggles to grow yk?
'Gotta Go' might be a bit of emotional rollercoaster. (I'm sorry. Ya'll gonna hate me.).

I love you guys.
Thanks for always hyping me up.

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