Part 2

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They spent some time in this embrace, then Hua Cheng chuckled softly, and got down on his knees, starting to remove Xie Lian's boots, while Xie Lian allowed himself to be helped, holding on to Hua Cheng's shoulders lightly. Then he took his own boots off. Ruoye and E'Ming were dropped; both spiritual devices looking lifeless, as if sensing they weren't wanted or needed at that moment.

Holding Xie Lian 's hand, he led him to the bed, lifting his hand as to help him to climb it. Xie Lian himself had prepared that bed earlier that day, with fresh sheets and cushions. He lightly jumped on it and reclined on the cushions, and Hua Cheng reclined by his side, never letting go of Xie Lian's hand.

He looked on, adoringly, "Your Highness, you're so beautiful."

Xie Lian just stayed still, with a gentle smile on his face. In the past, when he was His Highness The Crown Prince and the darling of the world, it was common for him to receive such praises. He didn't think much of it, only focusing on his cultivation. Now, he was happy to be looked at as if he was the sunrise, or the night sky, feeling truly and ineffably beautiful, because he was being looked at by Hua Cheng, and Hua Cheng only.

Hua Cheng lifted his hand to his lips, kissed it; and touched his face, and the hair around his face lightly, never tired of looking.

Xie Lian said, "You're also beautiful San Lang." He suddenly laughed lightly, and said, "Remember you asked me what I would do if you were ugly?" He laughed again.

Hua Cheng smiled, "Growing up, I was often bullied and abused because of my appearance, so of course I felt a little self-conscious right when I met you."

Xie Lian shook his head, thinking of Hua Cheng being bullied and abused, and feeling self-conscious.

"Bullied and abused, and then one day, I met a kind and gentle person, who thought I was worthy of being cared for and looked after."

Xie Lian felt an incredible tenderness, and said, "Of course you were worthy."

Hua Cheng continued, "Then, out of spite for everyone else I guess, I convinced myself I wasn't ugly. And only that person's opinion mattered to me anyway, so..."

It wasn't often he talked about his past. Xie Lian said, smiling cheekily, "Well in my opinion, you're beautiful... so much so that many times you got me chanting the ethics sutras mentally..." he trailed off, blushing and embarrassed at what he just said.

However Hua Cheng laughed heartily, and said, "I'm sorry."

Xie Lian laughed too, and said, "You're not sorry are you..."

Hua Cheng got closer, still caressing Xie Lian's face and holding his hand, and said, "I'm sorry His Highness had to chant sutras because of me. But since His Highness has decided chanting sutras won't be necessary anymore then I'm happy my looks are pleasing to His Highness..."

Xie Lian couldn't help but smile, "Very pleasing."

Hua Cheng kissed him gently, then smiled, and still smiling, kissed Xie Lian again, this time fiercely, pressing their bodies together, his hands roaming around Xie Lian's waist and back. He kept on and on, and whenever Xie Lian broke their kiss, gasping for air, Hua Cheng would chase his lips again, sticking his tongue deeply, exploring Xie Lian's mouth, not in a hurry, but never satisfied.

He teased Xie Lian too, biting his lips, always smiling mischievously, and even being out of breath, Xie Lian never asked him to stop. He kept his arms around Hua Cheng's neck, his hands combing through his raven black hair or touching his shoulders softly, and down to his chest... in fact Xie Lian was playing along as passionately.

Hua Cheng paused, resting his head on Xie Lian's shoulder – for some unknown and mystifying reason, when he was aroused, he showed erratic breath and feverish skin, just as if he was alive. He was still smiling, burying his face in Xie Lian's hair, and his hands gently moved to undo Xie Lian's belt to remove his outer robes.

Xie Lian tensed slightly, a sudden panic coming from who knows where. Hua Cheng noticed, stopped his hands, pressing himself towards kissing Xie Lian again.

He shyly said, "San Lang, you know I don't have any experience, please bear with me. I don't really know what to do..."

Hua Cheng chuckled, then said by Xie Lian's ear, his lips brushing on Xie Lian's hair, "Your Highness don't be afraid. Whatever you do, you're just perfect..." and he sighed, leaving Xie Lian numb, with gentle waves of pleasure going through his body.

Hua Cheng untied Xie Lian's belt, removing his outer robes slowly, like he was avoiding to startle Xie Lian. He then removed his own outer robes and his vambraces, and the both of them embraced and returned to the mad feverish kissing and touching, feeling each other's skin better with only the inner robes on. From kissing Xie Lian long and deeply, getting him gasping for air again and again, Hua Cheng then proceeded to kiss his face, ears and down to his neck.

Because of the curse shackle, Xie Lian always had his neck covered, and he never dreamed this part of his body would be so sensitive and pleasure inducing – although he suspected his whole body would react like that with Hua Cheng. Hua Cheng kept kissing his neck on the sides, sometimes sticking his nose behind the ears, biting the earlobes lightly, touching his neck softly with the tip of his fingers, rubbing down to his chest, kissing and teasingly biting his nape, making Xie Lian's blood boil and his whole body tremble slightly.

"I want to kiss and touch every little bit of you...", he said with a whisper, his fingers touching Xie Lian's skin, which was as smooth as the softest white jade, from the neck and around the inner robe's collar, rubbing his chest thoroughly, with only the inner robes on. Xie Lian also kept grabbing onto Hua Cheng all over, kissing his hair and his ears softly, but if Hua Cheng's lips passed within his reach he would hungrily go for it, kissing deeply.

Hua Cheng always returned the kissing with a smile, or a seductive "Hmm", Xie Lian's face reddening. Hua Cheng lifts himself up slightly over Xie Lian's body, and looking at him said, "Didn't I say you're just perfect..."

He bent down to kiss Xie Lian's neck and chest through the open collar of his inner robes, supporting himself with an arm, the other hand roaming all over Xie Lian's torso and down to his abdomen, his actions making both their breaths even more erratic. Resting his hand on Xie Lian's belt, he asked quietly, "Your Highness, can I..."

Xie Lian nodded, blood rushing to his brain. Hua Cheng didn't move, still waiting for Xie Lian to actually answer him. Xie Lian says, breathing heavily, "Yes San Lang yes, take it off, take it off..." while lifting himself as if to help Hua Cheng to remove his robes.

Hua Cheng flashes a smile, "Are you this eager then..."

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