Part 4

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These words made him relax completely, completely putting himself at Hua Cheng's hands... He asked again "Will you let me in?", and as soon as Xie Lian nodded, he suddenly felt a sharp pain and an awkwardness, Hua Cheng penetrating him slowly, with careful movements as to fit his moist manhood inside Xie Lian, holding him firmly with his left arm, using his right hand to steer it, Xie Lian tensing again, exhaling heavily and moaning loudly.

By his ear, Hua Cheng kept whispering words of encouragement and comfort, somewhat nonsensical; "Relax Your Highness, relax, you're doing good, oh I want it so badly, I want you so badly..." Xie Lian braced himself, gritting his teeth, and Hua Cheng, holding Xie Lian firmly in place, put it all in, sighing heavily. Both of them felt a sudden spark of electricity, spreading pleasure through their whole bodies, while they pressed themselves against each other forcefully.

Hua Cheng kept thrusting it deeply, holding Xie Lian in place, and said, his voice mad with desire, "Your Highness, let's do it together, like riding waves. Come, come to me..." Xie Lian followed his lead, breathing hard, pain becoming pleasure, an urge for deeper, stronger, faster, coursing through him from head to toe, his arousal going beyond belief.

He took Xie Lian's right hand, guiding it down to Xie Lian's crotch, where he was incredibly erect and moist. He used Xie Lian's hand to grab it and play with it, following the same rhythm of his penetration. Both of them kept looking at it, at its slight leaking, at how it was reacting to their handling, all this adding to their desire, like a fierce fire coming from all senses.

A thought crossed his mind and he smiled cheekily, tilting his head to speak by Hua Cheng's ear, his lips touching dishevelled raven black hair, and said, "San Lang, this is my very special temple. You and you only can enter..." Hua Cheng smiled gently, and seemed touched, kissing him deeply; these words also seemed to stir him in a way that his thrusts became more purposeful and urgent, his feverish breath going faster and faster.

Their sudden urge for pleasure peaked, their sights blurring and bodies burning, and they kept thrusting against each other with more violence, their minds tempestuous and their breathing going erratic. Hua Cheng spoke again, the words coming out with difficulty, "May I, leave an offering, at your temple...?" Xie Lian understood, and going numb again, managed to breath out an "You may", not stopping, carrying on the thrusts uncontrollably.

He felt a big wave of pleasure drowning him in, like a watery explosion, moving and lingering, making his body and Hua Cheng's tremble, warm liquid streaming down on his abdomen and inside him. They both getting there together... "There", where they together felt empty yet inexhaustible, but not like an abyss; like paradise.

"You're a dream...", Hua Cheng whispered, almost inaudibly. Xie Lian smiled faintly with his eyes closed, looking rather like his own divine statues. They stayed embracing each other tightly for a while, not parting, their bodies – now as one – shivering, burning, exhaling, glowing even; faint spiritual light dissipating from them like steam.

After a while Hua Cheng said softly, "I'm going to withdraw slowly.", and Xie Lian nodded, still with closed eyes. He felt Hua Cheng withdrawing from his "temple", keeping his arms wrapped around him tightly, shifting their bodies slightly so they faced each other, and Xie Lian buried his face on Hua Cheng's chest. He felt an awkward sensation of a burning emptiness, but he didn't mind...

Still holding him, Hua Cheng started to caress his shoulders and arms lightly, combing his long and soft hair, then, cupping his face on his right hand, he kissed him, and said, gently, "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Xie Lian shook his head, saying, "I'm fine."

Hua Cheng didn't seem to believe him much, and asked again, "Isn't Gege feeling a little sore? I'm sorry if he is, I..."

Xie Lian waved his hand dismissively, and, moving his eyes to Hua Cheng's lower body and smiling, he said, "Of course I'm sore. But I feel good.", and he added, looking at Hua Cheng's face, his smile widening, "I'm not freaking out, if that's what you're asking..."

Hia Cheng smiled, looking pleased, and said, "I'm well impressed Gege arranged all this, and tricked me into coming here... who knew Gege could be this cunning."

Xie Lian laughed lightly, and said, "This is our marriage chamber, naturally it had to be special..." He knew Hua Cheng was rather surprised at him being this daring, and he added, looking solemn, "After having my feelings for you sorted out, what's there to hesitate?", and then he smiled.

Hua Cheng knew Xie Lian cared a lot about his cultivation, practicing a stream of total abstinence of earthly desires, his transcendence and spiritual powers being linked to his purity of body. He didn't know how much of a taboo it'd be for Xie Lian to forsake his path; he never dared to ask in the past, and didn't dare to ask now. Xie Lian seemed to sense where his thoughts were going, and looking solemn again, said,

"When I first ascended, I was high and mighty, with 8000 temples and countless devotees. Then I spent 800 years in the Mortal Real without spiritual powers." He paused, then added, "Spiritual powers without you, or no spiritual powers with you. That's an easy choice.", and he smiled again.

Hua Cheng said nothing, and he blinked his left eye. For Xie Lian he died again and again, and never left this world; he would fall into the depths of hell and break through the abyss for him; and didn't he follow Xie Lian even when he was at his worst, almost becoming The White Clothed Calamity? What's Xie Lian's lack of spiritual power compared to all that? Xie Lian knew it, and in spite of all these bad memories, he felt incredibly happy.

After a moment, Hua Cheng said, "Gege, you can have as much spiritual powers as you want", then, lowering his voice and touching Xie Lian on his chest and down his abdomen slowly, his caresses more daring, added, "Actually, there's an even better way to share spiritual energy..."

Xie Lian tensed and said, trying to sound serious, "You're not to give me any spiritual energy San Lang. If you do I'll get really mad.", the image of Hua Cheng fading back at Mount Tong'lu still very fresh in his mind. However, he didn't make Hua Cheng stop what he was doing either.

Hua Cheng chuckled and kept touching Xie Lian, teasing him till he could barely stand it, and said, "Alright. We can do it without sharing spiritual energy then. Hmm?"

Xie Lian felt his whole body going numb, his heart beating faster, his skin burning and his breathing getting heavier. He couldn't resist it, and he didn't want to. Having offered himself to Hua Cheng just like those single flowers Hua Cheng offered him, time and time again, he'd be his time and time again. He didn't answer; smiling, kissing Hua Cheng long and deep and touching him in return was all he needed to do.

Thank you for reading! This was my first ever fanfic, I hope you liked it! 😍

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Please have a look at its "little brother" (I wrote the two fics together):

Drinking At Paradise Manor; Crown Prince Unsheathes His Sword 

Night Stroll at The Royal Holy Pavilion; Crown Prince Offers a FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now