Magical Girl

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Homura pov

I stared Madoka dead in the eyes. This time my first priority was saving my sister. I would still give the pink haired girl the warning to stay as she is but I would let her do whatever until my sister was safe. I had to make sure she didn't die.

A few days passed and and soon enough it was the day of my sisters upcoming death. She was heading to hang out with her friends again and this time I wasn't going to get distracted. This time I'd save my sister. This time I'd save both girls.

I watched closely as the red car approached. The moment the first girls head turned in fear I froze time running over to my sister and tapping her out of the frozen time. She looked at me confused.

"What's going on? H-homura, what the heck are you wearing?" Chieko asked panic flooding her features.

"Hold onto me and I'll explain once you're safe," I say keeping a strong hold on my sister as I led her away from the street and back halfway to our house. I knew if I didn't unfreeze time I'd use up too much energy. So once we were sufficiently away from the road and on a quiet street I let time resume knowing all too well what would happen to the other girls. They would die and to say that I didn't care would be an understatement. I didn't give a shit about them. I only wanted my sister to be safe and alive which is what I just accomplished.

"H-homura! There was that red car, it was going to hit me!" Chieko said her voice filled with terror. I let go of my sister and she fell to her knees. I crouch down next to her and cup her face with my hands.

"But it didn't, you're safe now," I tell her. She shakes her head and I widen my eyes fear beginning to creep in my consciousness. Did I hurt her somehow when we were running. I begin to check my sister for injuries.

"I'm not injured. Stop that. I'm not safe until you tell me exactly what you just did and how you did it. I would be dead if it weren't for you," my sister staid standing up. I stand again and we stare at each other not saying anything. In the distance I heard the sound of an ambulance. It's no use, the other girls are already dead. I think to myself.

"I stopped time and took you somewhere safe," I start. Trying to stay calm. It's not as though there was a rule about telling other what you were, it was just something you sort of already knew not to do. Chieko looked stunned but she asked more questions.

"And how did you pull a stunk like that, you've never been a magician and magic doesn't even really exist, right?" the last word sent my sister into a slight bit of panic. I would panic if I knew of magic. I think I might've when I first was saved by Madoka so many timelines ago. I looked at my sister and then to the ground. I let myself return to my normal attire. My school uniform. I heard my sister let out a small gasp.

"I'm a magical girl, I made a contract with....someone and was able to get this powers," I say trying to make it sound as though the suffering I had gone through wasn't very much. I didn't want my younger sister to worry about me.

"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me sooner?" my sister said hugging me tightly. I stand allowing my sister to hug me. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to become what I was, a magical girl.

Two months later

Chieko pov

The clock struck Midnight and I shot up from bed sweating heavily. There was no way that I was going to be able to hide this secret from Homura for much longer so tonight was the night I would tell her.

A few days after I had been informed about my sisters status as a magical girl a cat like thing came and visited me while I was at school. It told me more about magical girls and also gave me the choice to take the offer and become one like my older sister. It had been a no brainer for me back then when I had thought being a magical girl was all about saving others and fighting witches but now, a few months later right before walpurgisnacht comes to the city I wasn't feeling so enthusiastic and tonight I was also planning on telling Homura.

I stepped out of my room and walked down the hall to my sisters room. I gently opened the door only to find her reading with a night light in one hand and a book in the other. She glanced up at me and our eyes met.

"Why are you up so late Homura?" I asked her walking over to the bed. She put the book away and stared at me as if daring me to get to the point. I gulp and begin my story. When I finished my sister looked livid. She growled and shot up from bed grabbing my by he collar and shouted in my face.

"Are you serious Chieko! I spent so many timelines trying to save you from death and this is how you repay me!? You go and get yourself turned into a magical girls just like myself!? How could you? Why would you do something like that to me?" my sister screamed. She then glared at me let go of me so I could breath and transformed into her magical form. I take a step away from her and she smiles at me.

"What are you doing Homura, you're scaring me," I say only to stop.

No ones pov

Homura stood there with the time frozen in place. She took a step forwards and took the gun from her pocket loading it and pointing it at her sisters heart.

"I know you can't hear me right now but," Homura stopped and fired the gun twice instantly killing her sister. She unfroze time and watched as her sister body fell limply to the floor.

"I love you."

Chieko Akemi (Homura's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now