Dury Lane

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A month later...

It was finally the day. The day you were going to meet or at least see your idols live.

Unfortunately it was still a few hours away so you had to kill some time by catching up with homework and sharpening your knowledge of Monty Python by watching several episodes of flying circus. You also decided to ring your best friend (who you were seeing in a bit but you were so excited that you wanted to talk to her).

1 hour to go...

You started getting ready; getting washed and dressed (into your outfit that you bought specially - a multicoloured mini dress and red heels), put on a more glam version of your everyday make up and spritzed on some perfume (You wanted to look your best to impress - favourite python).

15 minutes to go...

You were on your way to the theatre at Dury Lane in London, taking the train to get there. Usually, you'd be chatting away happily to your friend but you had a feeling that both of you were somehow nervous about seeing them live.

What if it isn't what I expected it to be?

This has been something that you've been wishing would happen for a while so why were you so anxious?


The smell of cigarettes, the echoes of general chatter and the view of a round stage where in a few minutes and the men who you looked up to (metaphorically and physically) would appear on that stage made you feel overwhelmed as you found your seat.

Like in a cinema, the lights dimmed dark and the curtain on the stage rose up to reveal all the pythons dressed in their Spanish costumes for the llama sketch as a wave of applause and cheering erupted from the audience (including yourself and your friend who probably screamed the loudest).

Eventually the audience settled itself and the show began.

As the show progressed, you were laughing hysterically and was sad when the show ended.

You began collecting all your belongings and started heading for the exit but your mum stopped you and your best friend showing you the tickets with an added detail you never noticed. It said 'V.I.P backstage passes'.

There was silence as you took all the information in and suddenly a massive smile appeared on you and your best friends face. You and her jumped up and down hysterically screaming at the same time, making you and her look strange yet you didn't care. You were so excited that you were actually going to meet Monty Python.


There was a kind of secret dark passage that lead to the backstage area which consisted of thousands of wires and the same amount of people coming through this tight passageway. At the end, you appeared in this lounge area where the Pythons were sitting on the opposite side of the room.

You and your friend were in shock as the pythons made their way towards you and your best friend with friendly smiles on their faces despite looking tired.

'Hello there love' announced Eric shaking your hand firmly and then your best friend's. 'What's ya name?'

'I'm Y/N and this is (insert random friend name). I just have to say we are MASSIVE fans of yours. We love Flying circus every episode and sketch even without John in. Eventhough it was for Americans I loved And now for something completely different and I loved your show tonight ' you explained as all the pythons towered over you.

'oh well I'm glad you like Monty Python' Michael Palin commented

'Is it true your stopping Flying Circus and making a new movie?' You asked

All the pythons looked at each other and then at you, shocked and amused that you knew all this knowledge

'yes. We think we are going to call it Monty Python and the Holy Trail but we don't know yet... Actually we were just discussing it before you two came in' said Graham, sitting down again and pouring himself a gin.

There was a slight pause as everyone stared at Graham

'Can I have all of your autographs?'

All the pythons politely agreed. You hand each of them your poster and they sign it

As they are writing, Terry J asks you and your best friend a question 'so... Who's your favourite?'

'(insert favourite python)' you blushed

All of them smirked.


It was time for you to leave the backstage area (of course you were sad about this) but each of the pythons gave you a kiss on the cheek and shook your hand once again saying 'it was nice to meet you'.

You would never forget this. You would never forget the fact that you met your idols.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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