The Death of an Emperor

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One evening, Emperor Belos of the Boiling Isles was sitting on his throne in solitude and thinking about life. Suddenly, his nephew Hunter dashed into the room at full speed. He skidded to a stop before Belos' throne and t-posed. There was a fiery look in his eyes. The boy cleared his throat and spoke. "Uncle, I think it's time you mosey on outta here and let me rule over the Boiling Isles."

A stunned silence fell over them. Did Belos hear that right? He hoped not. "What did you just say?" said Belos in a low, threatening tone. He slowly rose from his throne and towered over the boy. "What makes you think you have the right to speak to me like that?"

Despite his uncle's clear anger, Hunter didn't flinch. He threw his head back and laughed. "Sorry old man, but I'm not your little servant anymore. A lotta things changed in the past fifteen minutes. Now shut up and let me wear your mask."

Enraged and also incredibly confused, Belos stormed toward Hunter with the intent to grab him and smack him in the face, but Hunter roundhouse kicked him in the face before he could. The blow instantly killed the man.

Finally, it was over. Hunter could now take his rightful place as the new emperor of the Boiling Isles. It was a glorious day. Everyone in the Isles celebrated. Luz, Amity, Gus, and Willow all congratulated Hunter.

"Wow, I can't believe you got rid of him so easily!" said Luz joyfully. "That's so awesome!"

Hunter smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Aw, thanks. It was nothing. Oh! Hold on a minute! You guys'll wanna see this!" He ran out of the room. The others exchanged confused looks, wondering what it could be.

One minute and eleven seconds later, Hunter returned. He was dragging the former emperor's dead body behind him and grinning proudly. "Look! It's my uncle's dead body!"

"That's so cool!" Amity said in awe.

"I know right? I'm thinking of maybe hanging it in my room." His friends clapped and cheered in agreement, and Hunter had never felt so loved.

It all felt like a dream. His terrible, abusive uncle was gone, and he had friends. Things were really looking up for him. This was the start of a new life; the life he'd wanted for so long.

And there, Fortnite dancing on Belos' corpse with his friends, Hunter was finally at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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