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"What happened up there hyung?"

"Yeah, is Minho hyung okay??"

The two boys attacked Chan with questions as soon as he got downstairs.

"He is fine, he had an argument with his parents again tho, i believe Jisung is comforting him now."

"Parents? Didn't he always fight with his dad, what did his mom do how?" Felix asked as he put the glass of water back on the table.

"Well not really fight with her, but his father slapped him and called him names in front of her, and yet she didn't even try to stop him. Min says she looked so unbothered." Chan explained with a worried expression on his face.

"Does Jisung know? How come he's with him up there right now? Minho didn't seem to like him at first" the shortest scofted, a little annoyed that he couldn't help his friend as well.

"I don't think he does, he seemed clueless when he got up. I guess he's comforting him now. Not gonna lie they seem quite close from what i saw" the oldest said whit a slight grin on his face.

"Do you think they like each other, like..romanticaly?" freckled boy asked, a little unsure in his words.

"Well, Jisung did seem worried, and he practically begged me to let him see Minho, and on the other side i've never seen Min let someone in so quick. I'm not sure about their feelings but we will find out eventually"

"Maybe we should check up on them? See what they're doing?" the youngest asked, wanting to comfort his friend and give him the biggest hug ever.

"No need to do so, we're coming down" Minho said, holding on Jisung's hand, surprisingly looking better than ever.

"How are you feeling hyung? Are you any better? Chan hyung told us what happened we are so sorry you had to go through that again" Felix said as he pulled him into hug, as he promised himself.

Minho could see Chan's apologestic smile, probably because of telling the other two boys, but he could never be mad at his hyung. He helped him in his hardest times, and he was there for Minho when no one else was. The younger felt it was like having an older brother to take care of him.

"I'm better now guys, i promise. Thank you all for being here for me" he showed them a genuine smile.

"We're always here for you hyung, no matter what" Changbin showed him a warm smile.

"We really are hyung, you have us now" Jisung said, as he sneaked his arms around the older's waist, and snuggled his head into Minho's neck, while the black haired boy held onto the younger's arms, with a soft smile plastered on his face.

The two boys couldn't believe their eyes. Minho wasn't a person for cuddles, or any type of affection whatsoever, so this surprised them, in a good way of course.

While they couldn't believe what was happening in front of their eyes, the oldest of them had an amused expression on his face.

In reality, Chan could see how much happier Minho had became around Jisung.

He saw the way a blonde male slowly broke his walls, and found himself a place in the older's life.

All he wanted was for Minho to be happy. He knows what he's been through. He is probably the only person besides Minho and his dad to know it all.

The said boy never wanted to talk about it after telling Chan. He was afraid what others would think of him, of his family.

He hated his father, but he was also afraid of what would happen to him if he ever told someone how much pain he's caused him.

He would beat Minho up every single day. He would call him names, leaving permanent scar. But that wasn't the worst thing.

Every summer, since Minho came out, after he finished school, he would be sent away for the whole two months.

His friends were told, that he was visiting grandparents and other family members, however, it was always a little suspicious since the boy never spoke about any of them, but they brushed it off.

They all thought Minho was having fun, always wanting to spend his summer break there, but what they didn't know is that, the boy was living through his worst nightmare, every single summer, over and over again.

Chan knew it, but Minho wanted him to forget about it and not react over it. The oldest in the group never agreed, but he wanted to respect the other's decision.

After their small talk, they decided it would be the best to play some other movie, since Minho wasn't there for the beginning of the first one.

They decided to play The Conjuring, first part.

"Why would you have to pick this one out of all movies out there" Felix pouted, as he kind of admitted of being scared.

"It's okay Lixie, you can always hide in my chest when you're scared, and i'll be there through the whole movie to cuddle you and protect you" Changbin smiled to the said boy.

"Thank you hyung, you're the best" the freckled boy said, leaving a little peck on the older's lips.

"They are so cute i'm so jealous" the blonde pouted, looking at Minho.

"Well, we could be even cuter you know" he said while smirking.

"Yeah you wish" the younger said, as he made himself comfortable between Minho's legs.

"Maybe i do" the older smiled, and left a quick kiss on Jisung's neck, resting his hands around the younger's small waist and pulling him closer as the movie begun.

I honestly love updating this fiction so so much,, i have prewritten five more chapters for now, but i think this book will have around 20-25 chapters in total!!
Thank you for reading and i hope you're having a wonderful day/night

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