1. L'altra squadra

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You thought things were finally starting to look up once you got promoted to capo of your own execution team. That was, until you found out Passione already had another execution team. They called themselves la squadra di esecuzioni and much to your annoyance, your team ended up catching the nickname l'altra squadra di esecuzioni.
(The execution team/squad. The other execution team/squad.)

You often found yourself and your team going head-on while competing with the other squad and it was one fateful evening when you met the other capo: Risotto Nero. You'd heard rumors about the him being one of the scariest men, if not the scariest man, in all of Italy, so you were on high alert when you bumped into him while tracking down your target.

After a bit of teasing on his behalf, you showed the hitman that you were not to be messed with by taking your target out without a struggle. This seemed to impress Risotto. It was his secret, but he actually wasn't assigned to take out the same target as you; he just wanted to see what you were capable of.

Without realizing how consequential that evening was, you returned to your squad's safehouse after getting a quick glance back at Risotto as you strolled away. He was standing there in the dark with his arms crossed over his toned chest, eyeing you keenly.

Bumping into Risotto, and occasionally another member of his team, was basically routine now.

"Ugh," you groaned, slamming the door to the safehouse shut behind you. "Jeez," one of your men, Pesto, chuckled. "What's got you in such a bad mood?" "Risotto Nero," you rolled your eyes as you said those cursed words. "Yes!" The youngest memeber of your team, Biscotta, jumped into the air pumping her fists. "Hand it over, Pane!" She stretched her hand out to her comrade, opening and closing her fingers as if asking for something. "Dang it!" Pane sighed and handed Biscotta what looked like a good amount of cash. "Hey! Were you guys betting on something that involved me?" You stomped up to Biscotta and Pane as the young girl gleefully counted the lire in her hands. "Um, w-we were just-" Pane stuttered. He had always been shy, but when it came to his job, he never disappointed. Biscotta complemented him perfectly; she was very outgoing and had rare healing abilities.

"They were betting on whether or not you'd come back complaining about seeing Risotto again," you heard a lazy voice speak up behind you. You spun around to see the fourth member of your squad, Zucca, reading a book while sitting on the stairs. Zucca was another powerful stand user, but he also had a little bit of an anger issue when you asked him about his name; he thinks it's too girly.

You rubbed your forehead and plopped down on the sofa next to Pane. "Do I really complain about him that often?" You sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned your head back. "Yep," Pesto snickered. "I'm surprised you two haven't hooked up yet." You snapped your eyes back open. "Huh?!" You nearly broke your neck, turning around to look at your subordinate. "Me?! And... Risotto?!" The rest of the squad now joined Pesto's quiet giggling. "How on earth would you even come up with such an atrocious idea?! We are enemies! We hate each other!" You huffed, feeling your cheeks heat up with anger... or at least you thought it was anger.

"Suuuure," Biscotta dragged out the word in a sarcastic manner. "You hate that you aren't doing each other already!" She earned some more snickers and laughter from the rest of the gang. "W-what?!" You exclaimed. "That is highly unprofessional, Biscotta!" "Then why aren't you denying it?" Zucca closed his book, deciding that picking on you was far more entertaining. "Well I am denying it! Right now. I hereby deny that Risotto Nero, my sworn enemy, and I want to do each other." You dramatically made air quotes as you said the word 'do.' "Come on boss," Pesto put his hand on your shoulder, trying to stifle back more laughter. "Lying really isn't a good look." The rest of the team errupted in laughter and you just huffed, giving them all the evil eye. "Ugh you guys are unbelievable!" You yanked your shoulder away from Pesto's hand and stomped up the stairs, past Zucca. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my office!" You slammed your office door shut behind you.

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