Scoot Around

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George's POV

"Welcome to Scooter's! How can I make the rest of your day amazing?"

I sometimes never meant that phrase.

Right when I started this job, I meant it wholeheartedly, but now I'm not sure anymore

As I heard the woman talk over the headset at the menu board, I knew she wanted a lot and she was a KAREN. I hated Karens.

"If that's all, you can scoot around to the window."

That's a fucking stupid phrase.

I sent the order through the tablet to my coworker, Karl. We were the closers along with our shift leader, Phil. We were all just wanting to leave and go home, but that wasn't possible. We had to mop around, restock, pull food, it just wasn't that simple.

And this Karen coming through at 7:30–half an hour till we close—doesn't help.

"Hi, it's gonna be $21.37." Karl says to the woman. She hands him the card and he swipes it. The card is accepted and now they are just waiting on the drinks.

While he's doing that, I'm working the blenders AND the espresso bar. Why the fuck does someone need this much caffiene at night?!

Phil's in the back restocking on any sauces and syrups we may need. Which left me alone—on the bar.

I feel like dying.

Luckily, I finish up all their drinks and Karl tops them with whip cream and drizzle. He handed them their order and they drove away.

Phil came back as soon as they had left. "Hey, what did I miss?"

"Don't ask." Karl said. It was obvious he was tired. He was actually not even supposed to be here; he got called in because someone was sick. Karl apparently had a date tonight with his boyfriend, Sapnap, and they had to cancel. I feel bad for him.

"George, did you work bar yourself, mate?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Wow, good job. That was pretty damn fast."

I lightly blushed, I barely worked bar so hearing that I worked pretty damn fast is great.

Phil went back to working bar and Karl was busy washing the dishes, so I was left to take orders and window. Shouldn't be that hard, right?


I sigh. It's 7:45, why are there people coming through now?

"Thank you for choosing Scooter's, what can I get started for you this evening?" I say, I really didn't have energy to upsell or make this person's day amazing.

"Awwww, no upselling? I thought you were gonna tell me about the cinnamon rolls." A man's voice said over the speaker. Is he for real?

"Sorry, I'm just really tired, I completely forgot." I said to him.

"You actually British or is this a gag you pull with costumers??" He asked.

"Nope, this is definitely a real accent. I moved here from London." I said.

What's with these questions?

"Alright, I believe ya," he said. There's silence between us and I think that means he's looking at the menu.

"I'm looking at the menu here and I have no idea what to get. It all sounds great," The mystery man said. "What do you get?"

No one has ever asked me what I liked here. "Ummm... I get this drink called the Peanut Butter Cup blender. It's peanut butter, mocha, and espresso and we can blend it like you would a Frappuccino from Starbucks." I said.

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