Chapter 1

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Being a guardian angel to the inner circle is all fun and games until you actually come face to face with them.

I flew up to Rhys and Feyre's river house and halted at the balcony. I rarely ever see them up close- only when they need me most, for instance: I was with Feyre the whole time she was under the mountain and I stood next to Azriel when his awful step-brothers burned his hands and I convinced the shadows to befriend him. I always try to saver these moments even though my senses don't work properly ( colours aren't as bright and their voices sound muffled ) this time I hovered outside the balcony for a few seconds to hear their conversation, I didn't particularly want to swoop into Feyre and Rhysand being...intimate.

I didn't hear any conversions so I flew into what I guessed to be the living room. I stood admiring Feyre's artistic skills. I've never had a true home within the clouds, yes, it's comfortable but not a true home but this home just has cosy vibes radiating off it.

I looked round to the blue velvet sofa Feyre was purched on and as I met Feyre's gaze she was speechless, I felt confusion and anger in the air, then, Rhys stood infront of her, almost to shield her? At that moment I realised everyone was staring at me and the conversation had stopped.

"Who are you?" Rhys demanded to me. Oh Mother. I scanned the room, Cassian had put Nesta behind him and put a hand on his sword getting ready to push Nesta out the door and draw out his sword. Amren stood up from the chair she was sitting on, her beady eyes fixed on me ready to shield her high lord and lady and I looked round to Azriel but within seconds, he had me pushed up against a wall with his beloved sword, truth teller, to my neck and his knee in between my thighs, keeping me against the wall.

"Damn" I whispered so only Azriel could hear me. His dark brown eyes never left mine. I exhaled unsteadily while maintaining eye contact with him. When I woke up today I certainly didn't expect this. Azriel pressed truth teller on my neck more firmly as Rhysand repeated his question again.

Looking back to Rhysand, I saw his violet eyes fixed on me. I have always admired Rhys's eyes, but now i'm quite intimidated by them. It's hard to think that i've been with these people for almost their whole lives trying to make it as easy as possible for them and yet they think i'm a threat and would butcher me at any point.

I turn back to the shadow singer, his knee still in between my thighs and truth teller still pushed up against my neck. I think now it's a good time to mention, as an angel my body doesn't work like a faerie body, yes I've got white feathery wings on the outside but, on the inside it's very different. I don't have any blood, so if I ever cut myself, iridescent liquid pours out instead. I take advantage of that and as I talk I push myself against truth teller.

"I'm Dalia, Guardian angel to the inner circle" I say while iridescent liquid pours out over Azriel and I, Azriel pulls truth teller back but still has his knee holding my against the wall and I smirk while looking at everyone's confused faces.

Rhys looks at me with raised eyebrows. As the guardian angel of the inner circle, I've watched these people and grown to love them, I know what they are thinking and what they will do next.

I brush up against Rhysand's mental barriers hoping he'll take the memo as I drop my shields and let him into my mind. I open a part of my mind so he can see my thoughts and what my life looks like in the clouds without revealing their own fate to them.

Rhys slowly slithers into my mind- his mental barriers and eye contact both remain unbroken. "I'm not a threat to you" I say to him while he's in my mind. "I'm not a threat to any of you, I don't even know how you can see me in the first place" I explain to the inner circle, I know not all of them are daemati like Rhys and Feyre. Cassian then speaks up, Nesta still behind him "What do you mean you don't know how we can see you?" Anger rises in his voice. "I watch you high up in clouds- it's basically a different reality so no one can see me or any other angels and any time I come down to visit you, which is very rare and i'm still in that different reality so you can't sense my presence-" "Why should we believe you girl?" Amren interrupted me. I looked over to Rhys and Feyre hoping they looked through my mind and know I'm telling the truth.

"Show them" I told Rhys, so with his powers he could show Amren, Cassian, Nesta and Azriel my mind.
He nodded to me and after a few seconds Nesta  said "So what does a guardian angel do for us?" "I try to make your lives as easy as possible" I tried to explain "Sometimes that can mean helping your body heal when you're injured or adding certain thoughts to your mind to stop more danger"

I looked at everyone and there faces changed as Rhys sent the rest of my memories. The memories I chose for him to send included: Me sending Feyre to sleep under the mountain so her body didn't shut down from exhaustion and another memory was me convincing the shadows to listen and be loyal to Azriel when he was learning how to control his powers.

Azriel's face softened and his eyes lightened in colour as his shadows twirled around my fingers.  I walked over to Feyre and held her hands as I inspected her face. Her cheeks were rosy in colour, her jawline was softer and her eyes were full of warmth despite the icy grey colour. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her warmth for the first time. I pulled back with tears lingering in my eyes and moved to Rhys "you're definitely taller in person" I chuckled Rhysand stood at atleast 6"3 I gave Rhysand a hug as well taking in his citrus-y scent.

"I'm sure it's probably very strange for someone to just waltz into your home and say they know everything about you" I could still feel confusion in the air while I walked over to Cassian, Nesta and Amren.  Sometimes when I see something nice in the clouds for the inner circle, I'll bring it down to a shop in Velaris that they are heading into so they can have it, and now I've got these presents with me so I might as well give it to them.

I stood in front of Cassian and handed him a pair of socks made from clouds and a new sheath for his sword with the iconic night court swirls on it. I'm sure Nesta didn't really want me to hug Cassian so I brought out a dress also made of the softest clouds for Nesta "It'll keep you very warm in the winter" I smile at her and surprisingly she smiles back. I head over to Amren and pull out a necklace and a set of matching earrings and a matching ring "I got these stones made especially for you" the stone looked like an opal but more shiny and stronger than your average stone.

"And for my favourite shadow singer" I brought him a new tunic because I spilled my blood on his other one and a pair of gloves made from clouds again but black in colour. Az looked over to me with happiness in his eyes. I knew everyone would treasure what I brought for them.

I chucked Rhysand over a hat because I always hear him complaining about how cold his ears are. "There's a heating pad at the ears so you can stop being a big Illyrian baby." Feyre chucked " See, even in the clouds they know you're a big baby" and she pinched his cheeks.

I've always admired Feyre and Rhysand's relationship, they can always count on each other and are never alone.

"Well me and Nesta need to go and see the Illyrian camps" Cassian said "thanks for the sheath and the socks and the dress, I'll put that on later" indicating to Nesta's dress as they walked out the door. "Im leaving too, thank you for the necklace, girl" and Amren flashed me a grin.

"Oh mother"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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