Lovebirds? No, bestfriends.

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December 1st, 1961

I dreaded going to the sandlot today. But I can't make one stupid boy hurt me!

I had crowds of boys in class making fun of me, the only thing is; I don't know why it hurts my feelings more.

I walk through the gate and I'm rather relieved I made it here before yeah yeah. I run my fingers through my hair and the boys just act like nothing happened.

You see, I'm glad they aren't asking questions, because that would be extremely awkward for everyone. Once yeah yeah walks in, I watch his expression drop once he sees my eyes.

I thought he would be sad, but he seemed angry. He has no right to be angry after what he did to me! I ignore his glares and continue playing.

Kenny throws the ball and I hit all my anger out, making it hit up and over the fence. I smirk to myself.

"Look at that! Do I even have to run?" I boast at the boys thus, they all groan.

Third person

"She's back!" Kenny says and for once the boys weren't mad about loosing a ball. Yeah yeah looks down, he wondered how she could be so ok with what he said. She was so upset about what the boys said but not him.

She glances over at him catching his eye and he looks down. He felt bad but wasn't sure how to deal with what he had done.

"Hey! Y/n do you have another ball?" Ham asks and she sighs shaking her head no. "I can just go get one" she says walking backwards towards the exit.

"I'll go with you!" Benny says running past yeah yeah who had a shocked face. He leads the girl out of the Sandlot briefly glancing back at yeah yeah with an apologetic look. Which Yeah Yeah didn't notice.

"What's up with Yeah Yeah? What'd did I do to him?" Y/n asks and Benny sighs, "no clue? But whatever's goin' on, he needs to snap out of it" Benny says and y/n rolls her eyes.

"Snap out of what?" She asks curious. Benny shrugs licking his lips, "he needs to come to his senses and apologize, which I know he's going to do at some point. So just wait and he'll come around" Benny says and slings his arm over the girls shoulder.

"I hope so, we had a good thing going", y/n says putting her arm around his waist. Benny nods slowly and looks away, blinking rapidly.

Y/n however was clueless of this and just kept walking. Occasionally his arm gripped her shoulders a little hard. Everytime he did she had glanced up at him.

They arrive at Vincents drug store and Benny opens the door for her. They pick up three baseballs and y/n reaches in her pocket.

Benny grabs her arm and starts grabbing his money. "No" she says pushing his shoulder. "Yes" he mocks her and the cashier sighs.

"Hurry up lovebirds, I need a smoke" The old lady retorts fixing her hair in the reflection of a nearby perfume bottle.

The kid's eyes widen and they look at eachother. Benny takes this opportunity to pay, and snatches the bag. "How rude!", Y/n says opening the door.

"Ladies first" she says holding the door open for Benny, making him scoff. "Thank you!" He says sarcastically then starts to walk through. Then grabbing y/n's hand, yanking her arm making her go first.

Y/n smacks the back of Benny's head making his hat fly forward. "Why?" He asks laughing and y/n shrugs.

"Ohh! You've got good hair", y/n says ruffling his hair. "Stop it!" He demands swatting her arm away.

The jokes continued the way back to the Sandlot. The team could hear their laughter in the distance.

Yeah yeah puts his head in his hands, whining to himself. It reminded him of when he first her, when her and Benny used to be inseparable.

The team looks in his direction, then at eachother wide eyed. Yeah Yeah sighs once again kicking at the sand.

"We're back" y/n makes and entrance. She throws a baseball around 700 feet to squints, easily.

"Play ball!" Ham yells, smacking his glove. Y/n runs her hand through her hair; yeah yeah notices and does the same consciously.

"To Yeah Yeah!" Benny says hitting it to him. Yeah yeah catches it with ease before throwing to squints, then y/n.

"To y/n!" Benny announces, batting it out of mid air. It lands in her glove and she throws it back.

"Come on! Give me something, some power!" She says and Benny catches it with his bare hand.

He smirks and rolls his eyes, in one smooth motion before throwing the ball up. He hits it to her as fast as he could.

Y/n's eyebrows furrow, and she steps back. The ball hitting her gloved hand with a smack.

"That's all you got?" She brags throwing it to Bertram. "That was one of my best hits? How is your hand still alive?" Benny asks laughing.

"Yeah Benny man, girls' fricken Hercules, nothing hurts her." Bertram says like it's obvious.

Yeah yeah winces at their interaction. He knew he wanted to apologize, but it was to soon. He needed to do something special. Right?

At the end of the day, they all walk home. Yeah yeah, Ham, y/n, and Benny all together.

"So uh..yeah yeah." Benny starts and yeah yeah rolls his eyes "what's up?" He asks and y/n glances at Yeah Yeah.

"Nothin' why.." yeah yeah trails off after meeting eyes with the girl, he wished he was closer too.

"You seem quiet" Benny says and Ham agrees. "Yeah man what's the problem?". Yeah yeah looks over at y/n once again, who started jogging to her front steps.

"Nothing.." Yeah yeah trails off.

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