Chapter 7

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Me and Tommy went upstairs to go and set up stream. I already had Minecraft and Twitch installed so he just had to log into all his accounts. We went upstairs and I sat on my bed and watched him log into his accounts when I watched TikToks on my bed. "Hey I'm all set up I'm going to stream now!" He says while looking back at me. "Okay have fun!" I say. "Are you not joining in?" He said putting on a fake sad face. "I didn't think you wanted me to!" I say as I pull up another chair. "Of course I want you here!" He says then pressing the go live button.

"HIIII BOYSSSSSS!" He says into the mic. "I'm here with a woman POGGG!" "Yes and I'm here with a child." I say knowing that would annoy him. "I AM A BIG MAN NOT A CHILD!" Tommy shouts at me. "Whatever you say child!" I say smiling at him. "FUCKING BITCH!"He shouts at me before switching to Minecraft. I decided to look at chat and they were pretty happy about the meetup. "Where's Will?" I read out loud "Will is downstairs but he should be up soon!" I say while looking at Tommy who was already looking at me. He turns away but I didn't think much of it. I look at chat again. Simpinnit I see. Was Tommy staring at me for a while? "Yes chat you saw it here first Tommy is a simp!" I say knowing it will annoy him. "Ignore the Woman she's stupid." He says when he loads up the Dreamsmp.

He was just walking around the Dreamsmp and then he started building something. I had no idea what he was building he did try to explain it to me but I still had no idea what he was on about. Then about after an hour of streaming Will walks in the room and gives me a hug. "Hey Laylay!" He said while hugging me from behind. "Hey Will!" I say looking up at him. "SUPPP WILL!" Tommy shouted at Will while slapping his arm. "Sup childinnit!" Will says laughing at Tommy. I laugh too knowing that he was about to shout and scream. My room was soundproof so no one could hear Tommy shout. "I AM A BIG MAN NOT A CHILD WILLLL!" Tommy shouts at the top of his lungs. "Hi chat!" Will says waving at the webcam. "You can sit in my seat Will I'm gonna go downstairs will quick." I say as I get up. Will sits down in my chair and starts talking to Tommy about MCC whatever that is. I go downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink and decide to sit downstairs for a while seen as I felt light headed. I got Tommy's stream up on my phone and saw them playing Minecraft while arguing. Then Will asked Tommy something that made my jaw drop.

"So Tommy do you like my sister?" He asked Tommy with a serous face. "Yeah she's a good friend!" Tommy says going red. "No Tommy you know what I mean!" Will says getting more annoyed. "Anyway Will I was thinking of ending stream and going to watch Netflix!" Tommy says trying to avoid the question. "Okay Tommy but we are having this conversation later!" Will says while leaning back in his chair. "Goodnight!" Tommy says before ending stream. I was shocked. Why did Tommy not answer the question. He could of just said no but he didn't say anything. Could he like me? No of course not he's Tommy and I don't think Will would like that. I put my phone down and chill for a little bit watching some YouTube on the TV.

About two hours later I was falling asleep on the sofa when a voice came up from behind me. "Sleepy?" The voice said. It was Tommy. "Yeah just a bit." I said while yawing. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch some Netflix in the guest room with me?" He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah sure what do you have in mind?" I say while getting up. I fall back and my vision goes black. This usually happens when I stand up because of my unhealthy eating habits. "Woah you okay!" Tommy says as he watches the whole thing. "Yeah I'm fine should we go and watch netflix now!" I say walking towards him. The only person that really knows about my past eating habits is Will. "Yeah sure lets go." He says while following me up the stairs.

We got in the guest room and laid on the bed. At first we laid next to each other at a distance but we slowly got closer to one another. That was until Will walked in. "What you guys doing?" He asked confused on why we were laying in the same bed. "We were just gonna watch Netflix before bed Will." I said after about Ten seconds of uncomfortable silence. "Okay but Tommy I need to talk to you later!" Will said before leaving the room.

We watched some episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine before I decided to tell Tommy about the stream earlier. "Hey Tommy!" I said looking at him. We were laying quite close to each other now. "Yeah what's up!" Tommy said now looking at me too. "You know when you were ending stream earlier?" I said. I can see Tommy's cheeks turn red. I have no idea why tho. "Yeah!" He said. "I was watching and why didn't you answer Will's question?" I asked him now looking down. "I didn't want to do it on stream so I ended." He said. "And I was also worried about you because you went off and didn't come back!" He said now playing with my hair. I got butterfly's in my stomach. Being around Tommy I just felt safe and happy. "I'm sorry for running off I just felt super light headed." I said now feeling bad that I worried him. "I know you look really out of it when we were streaming!" He said still playing with my hair. "I'm sorry." I say thinking he would be mad at me. "Don't be sorry it's fine." He said tilting me head to look at him. He put on another episode and we watched it. I'm guessing this is a thing that me and Tommy do together because he was getting super into it and also kept looking at me. We watched it for another two hours with me and Tommy were both nearly falling asleep. I rested my head on his shoulder as we both sat up trying not to go to sleep. Then all of a sudden Will comes through the door.

"I need to talk to Tommy!" Will said. "Will it's like Two in the morning can't you do it tomorrow?" I ask him knowing for well Tommy was tired. "No it can't I need to talk to him now!" Will said while walking closer to the bed. "Fine!" Tommy said while walking out to the hallway. I was following but Will stopped me. "You can't come it's boy talk." Will says shutting the door behind him. I could still hear them talking seen as they were only in the hallway. "So Tommy what are you planning?" Will asks Tommy. "Will what are you on about?" Tommy asks. "Tommy it's obvious you like her." Will says. My cheeks turn red once again. "Will I don't know if I do." Tommy says sounding sad. "I've never felt this way before and I know I do want her to be more than just a friend you know!" Tommy says. A massive smile appeared on my face. He felt the same way! He doesn't know that I know so I can't say anything about it. "Tommy I fully support you but please don't hurt my sister! She has been having a rough time and I've never seen her this happy before! Just make sure you don't hurt her or I will end you!" He says in a deeper voice. "I won't Will I don't know what I'm gonna do first!" He says. "I'll help you Tommy!" Will says. It sounded like Tommy gave Will a hug.

I walked back to the bed and laid down again so it looked like I didn't listen to it. They door then sung open. Tommy walked in looking happy and Will also looked happy. "What was that about?" I asked pretending I didn't hear anything. "Nothing don't worry!" Tommy said. "Guess what Lay!" Will said looking really happy. "What Will!" I say getting impatient. "Niki is flying out tomorrow to stay with us!" Will said. "OMG WHATTT!!" I say getting up and hugging Will. "Thank you Will!" I say in the hug. "No problem Lay!" Wills says. We broke the hug and I went back to the bed. "I'll leave you guys to finish watching your Netflix!" He said before walking out. I lay next to Tommy putting my head on his arm. He moved him arm to put it around me so I was resting on his shoulder as I drifted off to sleep.

HEYYYYY!! I'm sorry this is only a short chapter! I had a lot more Homework to catch up on so I've been busy doing that. My mental health is also really bad at the moment so I had really bad motivation. Niki appears in the next chapter which is exciting and we also get some more Layla + Tommy content. I am definitely not watching a compilation of Tommy and Wilbur being brothers for an hour :) I hope you have a great morning, Afternoon or night wherever you are :))

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