Chapter 17

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I wake up to Tommy still asleep on his bed. Will made me set a alarm because we had to leave early. I go in the bathroom and get dressed. I put on a jumper and a pair of leggings. I know the car trip will be long so I put on something comfortable. I then brush my teeth and put on some makeup. I look over at my phone and Tommy is still asleep. I message him saying I had to go out and then I end the call.

"Come on Lay we are going to be late!" Will shouts from downstairs. "I'm coming Will!" I say as I pick up my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I run down the stairs and got in the car. I sat in the front next to Will who was driving. We were going to meet everyone there and then go out for a meal. I have never met Phil in person before so it will be interesting to see what he is like.

Me and Will shuffled our playlist and sung all the songs on it. The drive was only about two hours so our playlist would last. I saw that Tommy messaged me back and I went to answer.

Tom <3

hey Tommy sorry I had to end the call I gotta go

out somewhere message me when your awake!

Morning Lay it's okay I'm awake and just about to leave myself so

I'll message you later!

Okay Tom I love you <3

I love you too

I smile and go back to singing with Will. "How are you and Tommy?" Will asks me after the song ended. "Yeah we are doing good!" I say which made Will smile. "That's good!" He says. "You know that he talks about you non stop!" Will says which made me blush. "He does?" I ask. "Yeah when he's in a call with me he mostly talks about you!" Will says. "I'm guessing it's all good things!" I say. "Oh yeah it's mostly about how he misses you and how perfect you are!" Will says in return. I blush and look down so Will doesn't see.

It was about an hour into the trip when we had to get petrol so we stopped at a petrol station. While Will filled the tank up I went in the shop to get some snacks and some drinks. Will messaged me what he wanted so I looked around for a while. Once I found everything I paid and went back to the car. I hand Will his snacks and we drive on.

We could see the hotel and that's when the nerves kicked in. I have never met Phil before or even spoken to him. All I know is that Tommy and Will are both known as his sons in Minecraft. We pull up in a space and get out the car. Will opens the boot and I grab our bags when Will messages Phil to see if they are here yet. "Okay they are here they are waiting in the lobby." Will says before shutting down his phone. "Okay Lets go!" I say.

We start walking to the front of the hotel and my anxiety is really high. I try and calm down seen as Tommy knows when my anxiety is high. We walk into the lobby and see Tommy and Phil standing there.

I walk in behind Will. "Will!" Tommy calls out. "Tommy I have someone here who would like to join us if that's ok." Will says. "Um sure who is it!" Tommy says confused. I jump out from behind Will. "Lay!" Tommy says as his face lights up. "In the flesh!" I say as he runs over to me. He picks me up and twirls me around when Will stands with Phil. Tommy kisses me and pulls me in for another hug. "Come on love birds we gotta check in!" Phil says before walking towards the front desk. "Hi Phil it's to meet you!" I say as me and Tommy hold hands while walking towards him. "It's nice to meet you too Tommy has told me a lot about you!" Phil says which causes Tommy to go red. We check into our room and head off to find somewhere to eat.

After what feels like an hour of walking we finally find somewhere. It was a Italian restaurant. Me and Tommy sat on one side of the table where Phil and Will sat on the other side. In the hotel room there were 2 beds and a sofa bed so we had to decide who was sleeping where. "I can take the sofa bed!" I say knowing that I wasn't even supposed to be coming in the first place. "Lay how will we both fit on the sofa bed!" Tommy said that caught me of guard. "We are sleeping together?" I ask. "Well yeah why wouldn't we." Tommy says. I smile and look down. "Okay Phil you can take one bed and I'll take the other and Tommy and Lay can have the sofa bed." Will says sorting it out. "Okay are you sure you are okay with me and Tommy sleeping together?" I ask knowing him. "Yeah because I will be in the same room!" Will says. I slap my head and Tommy laughs. The waiter comes over and we order our food.

When we waited we talked about what we were doing tomorrow. We decided to leave quite early in the morning and Phil will go in one car with Tommy and Me and Will would meet them there. Me and Tommy were okay with this plan. We also decided for the video to have Tommy ring me and pretend I'm not there and then I will say I'm already there then they go out looking for me. Once we did that we would go on the rides. "Will I was wondering if I could announce that me and Lay are dating in the video if that's okay?" Tommy asks. I smile while drinking my water. "Yeah man just be careful!" Will says. "I will!" Tommy says with a smile on his face.

We finish up our food and went walking around for a while. It was cold but not too cold. The air was warm but the wind was cold. Will and Phil walk ahead of us when me and Tommy walk behind. We were walking next to each other but not too close. We were talking about the lights outside different shops and what shop could have inside. We found a arcade and looked around in it. We played on some of the machines but we all didn't want to spend that much money in there. We all know how expensive Alton Towers is so we wanted to save up all the money we could. The air got cold and the sun was going down. We decided to call it a night and go back to the hotel.  

We decided to take showers so we look presentable for the vlog tomorrow. I went first seen as I was the only girl. Tommy, Will and Phil were talking about things we could do after the vlog. "Maybe you guys can come to Brighton and stay with me and Laila." Will says. "We could do streams and go to the beach and the arcades." Will adds on. "Yeah that would be fun!" Tommy says. I get out the shower and roughly dry my hair while I listen to their conversation. "You just want to come to Brighton so you can spend more time with Laila!" Will says. "I love her and I want to spend time with her and it's a huge bonus that my best friend is her brother!" Tommy says. I blush. "Awww Tommy!" Phil says. Will says the same and it sounded like he hugged Tommy. 

I get dressed and walk out the bathroom. "Who is next?" I ask acting oblivious. "I'll go." Phil says as he got his towel and clothes out of his bag. I sit down next to Tommy who puts his arm around me. We talk until it's Will's turn to have a shower.  After Will Tommy went in there and then we all went to bed. Will decided to take the sofa bed when me and Tommy got the double and Phil got the single bed. Me and Tommy snuggled up to one another before drifting off to sleep. I slept with a massive smile on my face. 

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