+ stay with me - chapter one +

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The 8,000 year old Geo Archon did not fear death. Until one fateful night, when his world turned upside down. So much destruction... And in the middle of it...


In 8,000 years, his heart had never been touched so deeply by a simple mortal. Until Childe came along. In his dream, the 22 year-old Fatui Harbinger was dead. And it hurt him in an unimaginable way. He should have expected this, after all, archons shouldn't fall in love with..humans. But he did anyways.

"One week left.."

Those words kept replaying, over and over in his mind, as he watched Childe dying, over and over again..And it could only mean one thing.

Childe Ajax Tartaglia would die in one week.


Zhongli woke up in a panic, his wrist vibrating. He looked down, and on the inside of his wrist was a countdown, for one week. Glowing bright blue. 

So it truly was real. New emotions clouded his mind. In 8,000 years, the Geo Archon had never felt so... Sorrowful. With a panic, he realized that Childe wasn't in the bed with him. He checked the time- 7:30 AM. Could it have happened already..? No... He still had one week, and the countdown provided reassurance of that. So why was doubt still implanted secretly in the back of his mind?

He stood up and trudged into the living room. Childe was setting the table. When Zhongli walked in, he looked up. His face immediately brightened. 

"Xiansheng! I made you br-"

He was cut off by Zhongli immediately pushing Childe up against the wall,  pinning him to the wall by his wrists. "Xiansheng, what..?" 

Realizing what he was doing, Zhongli let go gently. "My apologies, Ajax." 

Childe gave his signature mischievous grin, looking Zhongli straight in the eyes. "Heh, it's not a problem. In fact, I liked that~" He said playfully, casting Zhongli a flirtatious glance. The other sighed, causing Childe's face to melt into a look of concern. "Hey..xiansheng, what's wrong?"

He mustered a small smile, kissing Childe gently on the cheek. "It's nothing of your concern, Ajax." 

Childe wrapped his arms around Zhongli in a tight hug. "I love you.." "I love you too, Ajax."


After a minute of the silent embrace, Childe let go "As I was about to say before you.." He chuckled softly. "..pinned me to the wall, I made you breakfast." Zhongli gave Childe a quick peck before saying, "Then let's go eat what you made."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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