The night before

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That Sunday night, Miyuki sat comfortably snuggled in the corner of her couch staring at the clock on her wall.

"9:15 pm"

The arms of the clock seemed to tick faster and faster the longer she stared at them. It was only a matter of a few hours before Monday would come, signifying the start of her last term. She internally sighed as she thought about how quickly her second year came and left.


The exciting possibilities for her second year were unexpectedly put to an end on the first day. The tragedy began when she received her schedule. Not only was she assigned to difficult classes, she was also separated from Bokuto. Miyuki remembered the sinking feeling in her stomach upon receiving this information. The difference in their class schedules wasn't the only thing preventing them from meeting. He would practice with the volleyball club almost every day and she participated in the art program. This made it difficult for them to connect with each other.

In the first month, for about two weeks, they didn't see each other. They were too engrossed in their separate activities to set aside time for the other.

Though she remained busy, Miyuki couldn't escape the sadness that engulfed her. She knew that there would eventually come a time where they would not be able talk as much as they used to. But when the moment arrived, it felt as if her heart had shattered.

For the entirety of her first year, it had always been Miyuki and Bokuto. But during this time, she didn't even have a chance to see him.

In her third week, she finally saw him again. She felt her heart beat violently in her chest. He was just her best friend, so she knew that she shouldn't have overreacted. But the raw emotion and feelings that she had bottled up over time became too much for her to handle. When she saw him walking in the hallway, she threw herself into his arms and stayed there, not even caring about her next class. Her actions surprised her as she had never really hugged him before. But at that time, she was vulnerable, resting her head on his shoulder, crying tears that all before, she refused to let fall. It was comforting, his arms around her, his presence alone putting all the broken pieces back together. Through her endless tears, she would occasionally cry "I missed you."

Every week after that, they set aside time on the weekends to be together. It wasn't as frequent as it was in their first term, but it was enough to keep them close.

Because of the unmovable distance in their relationship, the year went by quicker than either of them had expected.


Miyuki was abruptly pulled out of her memories by the constant knocking on her front door.

"It's unlocked!" She said.

"Hey hey hey!" Bokuto yelled as he swung the door open.

"Hey Yuki, we brought snacks." Katsura Mika said, peeking out from behind Bokuto.

Miyuki nodded and gave them a small smile. To celebrate the start of the third year, they decided to hang out.


After a few hours of movies, games, and snacks, they eventually ran out of things to do. Whenever this happened, they would reminisce on their friendship and when they all first met.

Mika had been a childhood friend of Miyuki's for as long as they could remember. They would play together everyday as kids and stayed close ever since. When Miyuki met Bokuto, she immediately introduced him to Mika. Over time, a close bond formed between the three of them that nothing could separate.

"Hey Bo, you still have your training camp this year, right?" Mika asked, peeking her head out from the kitchen. Unlike Miyuki, Mika was a huge fan of volleyball. She had even played libero for the Itachiyama girls team in her last year. She tried her best to go to every game Fukurodani had.

"Yeah. You're coming this year too right?" He asked. She returned to the sofa with a soda and nodded her head.

"Wait, I didn't know you went to the camp, Mika." Miyuki questioned, confused.

"Yeah, I went 'cause he wanted me to help him and his friends after their practices. He claims I'm the best libero so..." She said, proudly running her fingers through her hair.

Miyuki raised her eyebrow. "Really, Koutaro-kun?"

"Uh huh! I have a picture of us if you wanna see." He said, moving closer to her and handing her his phone.

Miyuki stared at the image on the phone. It was of Bokuto, Mika, and an extremely attractive guy she didn't know.

"Oh my gosh, who is this guy?!" She exclaimed, pointing at the person to the left of Mika.

"Oh, that's Kuroo." Bokuto said plainly.

"This is him?! Oh my gosh, he's freaking hot! Why didn't you show me earlier?!" Miyuki couldn't believe her eyes. Bokuto's "best bro" that she had heard about for two years straight was this gorgeous man?!

"Hey! Don't say it like that!" Bokuto protested with an irked expression.

"Nah, I gotta agree with Yuki on this one, Bo. Kuroo is super gorgeous." Mika said, coming over to Miyuki to look at the photo.

"Look at his eyes! Oh my gosh, that smirk is gonna kill me!" Miyuki mumbled, almost drooling, as she zoomed in on the photo.

"HEY!" He yelled and snatched his phone away, sulking afterwards.

"You said he was from Nekoma right?" Miyuki asked, the wheels in her head turning.

He simply nodded.

"Well I should've went there instead, I might've even been able to have a chance with him!" She said with a dreamy expression.

"But then you wouldn't have met me!" He whined.

"Exactly." She said with a blank face.

Bokuto shrunk into the corner of the chair depressed, while Mika laughed at him hysterically.

"Well, if you came to any of my matches, you could've met 'em." He eventually said, reverting back to his normal self.

Miyuki sighed, a small smile present on her face. "Does it really bother you that I haven't watched you play yet?"

He adverted his eyes from hers and slowly nodded.

She chuckled and lightly punched his shoulder. "I didn't forget our promise. Since it's our third year, I'll go to at least one."

His mood visibly brightened as he jumped from the couch and went to fist bump Mika.

"I won't disappoint you." He turned to Miyuki and said with a surprisingly serious tone.

"You'd better not, or all this nagging would be for nothing." She playfully said, slinging her arm around his shoulder.


Look at me posting for two stories in a day!! This is what we call productivity! By the way, if any one is confused, Mika is a year older than Miyuki and Bokuto. So she is in her first year of college. I'll draw a picture of her and put in my next chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one!

With love

-Author-chan 🧡

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