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Home room. A place that was so familiar, yet so foreign. That wooden desk and chair, that large chalkboard, the fellow students all around; all meant to create a somewhat comfortable atmosphere. An atmosphere that allowed third years to seek graduation advice; an atmosphere that gave new students the chance to fit in. Miyuki, a first year at the time, was a foreigner to this atmosphere. She didn't understand why this simple class was enjoyed by so many of her peers, other than the fact that there was no specific class work to be done. Mika would always tell her how special home room was, though it was still a mystery to Miyuki. This mystery would remain until Bokuto came. He was the first one to talk with her in this new, foreign place. Her first friendship at Fukurodani had begun in that room. It was at that moment that Miyuki had finally understood why the home room was a special place. Not to all people, but to most. Each and every day, she would be eager for that one class. They had a few other classes together, but none were as special as that class.


Miyuki smiled to herself as Bokuto sat next to her.
This feeling again. It was one that she had missed so much last year.

"Hey. It's kinda like our first year, right?" She asked him with a slight grin on her face.

He thought for a moment, "Oh yeah! We did meet here! Well, not here exactly, but yeah!" His expression softened as he reminisced on their memories.

"I'm glad we at least have one class together. I really missed you a lot last year. She said, giving him a sincere smile.

He reached his hand and patted her head.

"Bro, why do you keep patting me?!" She yelled, smoothing out her now tousled hair.

"Because, I missed you a lot too. OH, there was this video I wanted to show you yesterday! I totally forgot."

"He totally just changed the subject." Miyuki thought to herself, mentally rolling her eyes. He was just as chaotic and random as ever, but she wouldn't have him any other way.


They were laughing with their heads together for what seemed like forever until a smooth melodic voice interrupted their folly.

"Excuse me, Bokuto-san?" The voice spoke

Miyuki slowly looked up and was immediately drawn into a haze of turquoise. It didn't come as much of a surprise to her that the owner of the voice was just as, if not more, stunning. But she didn't expect to be mentally knocked out of her seat. "Who is he?" She wondered dreamily to herself.

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure that you didn't forget about practice this evening." The guy said with an uninterested look

"Oh shoot! I totally forgot that's gonna be late today, thanks Akaashi."

"Wow, his name is even pretty. How have I not seen him before?" Is he new here? Well, probably not, he seems to know Kou pretty well." Miyuki was so lost in her endless thoughts that she didn't even notice Bokuto trying to get her attention.

"Aye, Yuki?!" He snapped his fingers to try to bring her back to reality.

"Hmm?" She quickly responded, a little embarrassed.

"I was trying to introduce you two but you weren't paying attention."

"Oh, my bad." She turned to face the beautiful boy. "Um, I'm Shizuyo Miyuki, nice to meet you." She gave him a tense smile and a slight head nod.
"Likewise, Shizuyo-san. My name is Akaashi Keiji." He bowed a respectful bow and turned to leave after mentioning something else to Bokuto about the before mentioned practice.


Miyuki was sure that her teacher was going on about something of importance, maybe even something of interest. But one thing was for sure, she wasn't focused enough to hear one bit of it. Ever since she laid eyes on Akaashi not long ago, he was all her mind would allow itself to think about.

She had never known that she could see a person that had such simplistic beauty. His features balanced each other out perfectly, not a thing was out of place. From the turquoise pools of water that were his eyes, to his spiky yet fluffy hair. It was all just so gorgeous and hypnotic.


I'm "back"!! I put it in quotations because honestly, who knows how long I'll stay. I low key kind of cringe at this story, but it kind of has a special little place in my heart so I thought I would resume working on it.

I hope you guys like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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