Chapter 4

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I'm finally happy to stay in one spot for once. Having to keep moving all the time isn't the best thing in the world. I mean why should I? Mostly because I don't want to die... Maybe I could try and make this work. I'm just not sure yet. I mean I really like Austin, but I really want to go back and see Mom and Dad. God I miss them, especially Mom. She's my best friend and being away from her was torture. God I miss home.


It was Violet.

"Ash, you okay? You've been sitting out here for almost two hours." She says.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say in a low tone.

"I know that's a lie. Austin can feel you're sad."

"Just leave me alone for a little bit longer. I just need to think things through."

"Okay. Just know that I'm here when you're ready to talk."

I stand up and hug her, "Thanks Vi."

"Anything for my sister."

I smile at her as I let go. She gives her head a slight nod and leaves. Time to figure out what the hell is going on and why people are trying to kill us...

I start to hum one of the lullabies Mom used to sing us when we were little. Slowly I drift off to sleep. Luckily Austin's mansion has a wall and security. I can sleep peacefully out here.


Austin, Cameron, and Violet all sit in the living room thinking of why people would want to kill them. None of them could come up with anything.

"I'm gonna go find Ash." Austin says, finally breaking the silence.

"Okay." Cameron mumbled.

Austin walks to the balcony where Violet said Ash was. As he got closer he realized that his keychain was getting a little colder by the minute instead of warmer. When he gets to the balcony, he finds his love nowhere to be seen. At this he freaks out. Sprinting back to the living room he tells the other two.

"Ashelley's gone!" He yelled.


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