Chapter 9: The Battle of Chicago Part 2

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The fighting is getting intense in Chicago. Thanks to the efforts of the Justice League, the Decepticons are getting destroyed faster than they can replace them.

Meanwhile, Sam, Carly, Epps, Barry, Oliver, Cisco, John, and others had reached the middle floor of the tower.

"Comes on, we're high enough!" Sam shouts.

"We have one chance to end this!" John said in agreement.

"This is a mother getting up here!" Eddie spoke.

"Get your fat ass over here!" Epps shouts to the soldier.

"I'm coming!" Eddie shouts. The fat soldier rushes to the window which is busted open.

"Set up the rocket! They're coming." Epps said.

Hooch sets up the rocket launcher to take the shot and destroy the control pillar.

"Outside, Lennox, NEST, and the Justice League are waiting for further orders.

"Weapons status?" Colonel Lennox asks.

"Twenty-nine Bot-busters, twenty piercing D-Bot." A NEST soldier replied.

"You guys better make it fast. Shockwave is coming." Ray alerted.

"For our brothers, let's make this trip worth it." Lennox said to his soldiers.

"This is for the boys here. We spare no Decepticon. For Chicago!" Nate said with determination.

Just then the building begins to rumble. Outside the Decepticons begin shooting the edge of the building. Sara sees the ships shooting the building.

"Take out those ships! They're trying to bring the whole place down!" Sara shouts.

Frost, Heatwave, and Atom fire a ice, fire, and plasma combo blast at the ships.

"The building! They're shooting at the building!" A soldier shouts.

The combine ice, fire, and plasma blast hit the ships and they go down in flames.

"Ships are down!" Barry said.

"Who shot them?" Epps asks.

"Frost, Mick and Ray." John replied.

Eddie sees the building titling a bit when the Decepticon ships shot the edge of it.

"This is not a good idea." Eddie said.

"What?" Sam asks Eddie.

"This is not a good idea. This building is unstable." Eddie spoke.

"Listen, stop for a second." Sam said to the soldier, "If we don't we don' what we came to do, it doesn't matter, we all die, right?" He points to the tower, "That's your target. Come on, man!"

"I don't even care if the building collapses. I'm having a heart attack anyway." Eddie argued.

Then the building begins loosing grip and then starts to fall down.

"The building is going over! Hang on!" Epps said. Everyone struggles to hang on as the building tilts over. The building then stops titling.

"It's okay! It stopped!" Epps said to everyone.

Carly looks and sees a few Decepticon.

"Guys, look!" She shouts.

The Decepticon ships are approaching the titles building.

"Everybody hide!" Epps shouts.

They all took cover to hide from the ships. One of the ships stop and deploys a Decepticon soldier.

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