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Well... that's certainly one way to find out that you'll have a successful relationship.


Third Person's P.O.V.

Ben groaned as he opened his eyes. Rubbing them a couple times before looking around and taking in his surroundings. His eyes widened and he jumped up onto his feet. 

"How am I in my living room?" he thought.

That wasn't possible. Ben and Rook were just fighting a crook in a supposedly "secure" facility for experimental tech. The crook was in the middle of stealing some prototype blasters when they got there. Ben was just about to apprehend the guy when he fired one of them at him. That blast really hurt.

That blast...

Ben looked around his "home" again. This wasn't his house. It looked strikingly similar but this definitely wasn't his house. At least not for a few more years.

"Where the hell am I?" Ben asked aloud.


The brunette quickly turned around upon hearing that. The voice sounded like a certain someone but he didn't trust his ears. He only believed them once his eyes landed on the source of the voice. It was Rook, but not the one Ben knew. This Rook was much older, probably in his mid thirties. The years had definitely done him some justice. Ben quickly shook those thoughts from his head and forced his blush away.

"Rook?" he queried giving the adult revonnahgander in front of him a once over, "I'm in the future aren't I?"

"It would seem so," Rook's future self replied.

"Blonko, who's there?" someone who was gradually approaching called out, "Oh."

Ben's future self paused in the archway to the living room. Rubbing his neck awkwardly as he glanced between Rook and his younger self.

"You should not be pushing yourself, beloved," Rook said to adult Ben.

"Beloved?" Ben thought, "Wait, didn't I- er, future me just casually call Rook by his first name?"

"The doctor released me from the hospital almost a week ago and I didn't experience any complications during the birth. I'm perfectly fine," F!Ben replied, "Also, I finally got Kenny to sleep."

"Kenny? Birth?!?!" Ben wondered, " does that mean-"

"Yes, we married Rook and recently had a child," F!Ben stated, interrupting his younger counterpart's thoughts.

A deep red blush lit up Ben's face. He and Rook were going to get married? Then they were going to have a child together and by natural means too?! Wait, he'll be able to get pregnant?!?! That's a lot to take in but Ben didn't have much time to formulate a response as a portal opened up to the left of the group. A familiar time walker stepping out.

"Right on schedule," Professor Paradox spoke, letting his cane tap the ground. 

"Hey Paradox," adult Ben greeted.

"Greetings all," Paradox said, "I've been meaning to stop by and congratulate you two. That young boy of yours has wonderous things in store for him."

"Good to know," Rook said exchanging a small smile with his husband.

"Now," Paradox began, gently clapping a hand on Ben's shoulder, "to take you back home. Your partner is quite worried."

"O-okay..." Ben stuttered trailing off.

"Ta-ta," Paradox said in farewell, guiding a very flustered Ben through the portal.

Once it was closed, F!Ben piped up.

"I think we broke him."

"We?" Rook questioned, "You are the one who did all the breaking, beloved. I did not casually tell my past self that we got married and had baby boy just over a week ago."

Muffled cries were then heard from upstairs.

"Speak of the devil," F!Ben huffed, making his way towards the stairs.

"You rest, I will take care of Kenny," Rook insisted.

Instead of replying, future Ben captured his husband's lips in a very short but quite sweet kiss. The pair's eyes met when they broke apart. Holding each other's loving gaze for a few moments before they went their separate ways. Future Ben to the kitchen for a snack and Rook upstairs to tend to their crying child.


Now imagine when Ben gets back to his time and sees Rook. He's gonna be like *windows shut down music* skskjdfgsdkfksdg 😂

Also, I got tired of writing 'future Ben', 'Ben's future self' and 'adult Ben' so I just started using F!Ben in place of those. I hope that wasn't confusing.

Anyway, have a good rest of your day/night and see y'all tomorrow!

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