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"People like to take one look at you and judge you based on your height, weight, looks, & fashion. When the real beauty lies within. I mean looks will change. your height can't be changed unless you wear heels or shoes with platforms. Weight that can be caused by health issues or lazyness. Fashion well you should wear what makes you feel good and what makes you feel beautiful. You don't need thousands of dollars for shoes, dresses,tops,pants,shorts, panties, bras. Cause material dont last long.'' That is what I tell myself whenever I feel low about my looks and the way I dress.

I am the twin sister of Lyla the pornstar who works for Luann. My name is Isla.

When people see the two of us together they can't tell us apart which half the time we use to our advantage to freak people out or mess with their minds.

There are certain ways to tell us apart but only people who pay close attention notice it.

My sister and I moved from Lodi a few years ago and we've been working at Cara Cara for the same amount of time. Lyla's in front of the camera and I'm behind it directing the whole thing while Luann is producing it.

There' been times where people would hit me or jump my ass for something Ly has done but when I fight back they realize their mistakes.

See Lyla doesn't like to fight. While I will without any care about my hair or nails just being done or anything girly. If I feel threatened I'll defend myself. Or if you threaten my family.

Which Ly's co-worker Ima found our right real fast when she attacked me thinking I was Ly.

I was standing there talking with Luann when Ima comes and hits me from behind.

I turn around and kick her in the gut then punch her in the nose breaking it before I first her hair.

"Wrong sister you tramp" I say before throwing her down.

See Luann knows what goes on and she knows that if one of the stars attack me then I will fight back. 

Luann wont say anything to me since I'm the victim being attacked cause they mistake me for Ly.

There's been plenty of times right after someone attacks me I go and jumps Ly's ass asking her what the hell she do before we get into a basic screaming match.

Don't get me wrong I love my sister but half the shit she pulls I get attacked for.

Recently she and I started seeing two of the sons and half the time we play tricks on them when we want to see if they know which twin they got.like the first day I met Happy. They mistook me for Ly and got pissy.

We first met when Luann asked me to come to a meeting with her that she'd have with some of the sons. So I went and there he was sitting in the back observing things and not saying much, just a few comments or replies.

That was around the time Ly started seeing Opie.

When I asked to be alone with the quiet gentleman whose name I found out is Happy. Opie, my sister's boyfriend got upset and stormed off which would have had me chasing him but with me and Ly being in the same building he'd soon find out we are twins and that I'm not who he thought I was.

"Shouldn't you go after him?" blonde hair guy asked

"No" I replied before I stood before Happy.

"Wanna go grab lunch?"

"You're my brother's girlfriend, I'm not gonna go anywhere with you," he said before walking out the door.

"I can't believe you Lyla," the others said, shaking their heads and walking out. It does me no good to explain myself to them.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now