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My days since the whole Ima drama had occured have been busy.

After I sold her contract to a great paying out of state filmmaker I told her to pack her things and get out of Cara Cara that she's no longer employed there that I sold her contract to someone in Miami and that she was their issue now.

She didn't like that too much but I was tired of her shit so I got rid of her.

Now I can focus back on other things. I hired a second accountant person who will be in charge when Bobby's handling club matters or is possibly locked up.

I've dealt with relocating everyone to a better location when we had a fire at the old place. Some of the things weren't replaceable nor were they saveable.

After I got us located at a better place things seemed to be going much better for us. The films were hits and the stars seemed to really enjoy themselves.

I had issues with a dude named Gorgie who thought he'd get away with harming my sister by practically beating her to deal.

When the guys got word of it they went and beat his ass before the kiddnapped him and I pulled a page out of my hubby's book and tourtured him before allowing the guys to handel his body once he bled to death.

Since Tara couldnt seem to get over herself and be a damn doctor and tend to my sister I had our mom whose a doctor handle my sister's injuries.

After she tended to Ly she spent some time with us and our kids before she headed back to her new place since she left Lodi.

When my sister got better we managed topick production back aup from the slight delay and things went right back to how they was as if nothing occured.

Things at home has been pretty busy as well.

Happy and I are trying more and more for another baby all while taking care of Myla.

And on top of that, I'm prepping for her first birthday so my days have been nothing but busy. I've had no time to relax I've been on the go.

It's like my feet barely touch the ground anymore with how busy I've been lately.

"Alright sis you need to take you a break from every thing for a while or at least a bit. Your running your self dry. Your stressing yourself and that wont help you and Happy get pregnant again. So let me take Myla for a bit while you take some time to realx since you've given everyone much needed and well deserved time off" Ly says

I rubbed my temples before I agreed with her.

"I know. Its just i want thing to go perfect so that all Lu's hard work won't be for nothing and be a waste down the crapper." I tell her

"Wit how well our movies have been and how happy and relaxed everyone is. You've done Lu proud and your not ruining anything or risking it either. So go pack some clothes for my little niece. I'm taking her with me and letting her spend time with her cousins" Ly says

I nodded my head before going to do just that. I made sure she'd have everything she'd possibly need and then some. I made theire was plenty of milk for her and if not that there was a little note to let Ly know which kind she drinks. Once I had everything packed and together Iwalked out the room handing the bags to Ly while I took Myla from her arms and gave her some kisses as I followed Ly out to her car and placed Myla in her carseat giving her more kisses.

"You are gonna go spend some time with Auntie Ly and uncle opie as well as cousin Piper, Ellie, and Kenny" I tell Myla who just looks at me grinning her one tooth grin.

"Alright she's safely in her seat her things are packed and loaded so you girls be safe and have fun" I say to Ly as I get out of her car and hug her before kissing her cheek and holding her door open for her.

"We will dont worry we'll be fine" she assured me

I nodded my head and stepped back watching Ly pull out of the driveway and left.

I take a deep breath and head inside to the quiet house. Locking the front door I look around to see if anything was needing to be done.

With nothing to do like clean or anything, I decide that relaxing in and by the pool till Happy shows up will be great.

So I head upstairs changing into my bikini and grab a towel from the downstairs hall closet then make my way outback dropping my towel on the sun chair before making my way into the pool where I swim a few laps before I climbed on to a float and close my eyes to realx.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now