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 I stood there with Opie hugging him as he held Piney's Kutte.

We said nothing as the others came to join us.

I grabebd Piney's kutt as Opie handed it to me and kissed it.

"I love and miss you" I murmured agaisnt it before handing it back. Opie kissed it before tossing it in the fire.

After it was all said and down I talked with the undertaker and paid for a urn and tombstone that was to be place beside Donna and it was to be a military tombstone like JT's since Piney was a solider.

We told him tomorrow we'd come and gather around where we are to burry the urn.

He assured us that things will be handled and he will make sure that everything was ready to send Piney off properly.

Once we all left we headed to the club hosue.

"Since Piney is gonan have a funeral I think we should do one for Koz as well. He's Happy's brother who was with Happy for a rather long time so its only right that my brother in law regardless of being happy's blood or not get that proper send off then once ewe do that we come back here and we hold a private gathering with members of the charter and important family only no one else as we mourn our losses" I say

"There wasn't anything left of Koz darling" Tig says

"Then burry his kutte and there we will have a tombstone that is military as we give piney and Koz the military sound off." I tell them

"How are we to do a military sound off?" Jax asked

"You leave that bit to me." I replied

After we sat there talking about different things I caleld the undertaker and had him make a tombstone for Koz giving him all the information he needed and I requested a special box that was to be buried. I told him where I wanted that tomb to be placed and told him once everything was handled I'd pay him all that he was owed and a generous tip for handling things last minute.

after I got off the phone with the undertaker IHappy and I headed home where I told Lyla and the kids goodnight and I loved them as she, Piper, Ellie, and Kenny left.

I headed upstairs and took a shower before I walked into Myla's room where Happy was holding her and I knelt before him and laid my head on his lap as we just sat there in silence with our baby girl.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now