Part 1: Falling

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“George, please let me explain.” “Enough Jennifer.” He sighed and walked out with his tear stricken face that had betrayal written all over it.

I should have disclosed it earlier. I wish I had but I just could not. It had been hunting me for sixteen years. Although I constantly told him how much I love him but to me the word ‘love’ had become just like any other word that I used to say. It did not carry any weight in me anymore. Whenever I said the word, it made my mouth as dry as a brown paper bag.

Every morning I wake up and take the weight off my feet while watching him dead to the world except his own. I wonder why I do not just tell him the truth. I thought, the truth was not meant for everyone but I was mistaken.

George is a nice, loving, considerate and charming young man. Lacquered and enameled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze. They were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels inwrought in snow.

His hair was Achilles-gold and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other. I could not bear to see him with a broken heart but my fear caught up with me. I met him a while back when I was working as a waitress at Mon Chez. I was his favorite waitress. Whenever he came, he always requested to be waited on by me. And he also gave nice extra tips. After a while of going to movies together, visiting museums, going to carnivals he proposed to me.

We were at Hak Hall eating Ham and Cheese Soufflés. It tasted really peculiar because it contained mustard and I was not a fan of anything that contained mustard but the last bite was something to savor. As finished our fourth cup of Chazzan’s Wine, a waiter came up to our table, got down on one knee and presents a white envelope. I love surprises and while I was wondering what was going on, I took the envelope and opened it. It contained a picture of George on one knee wearing a black suit piece that really brought out the amber greenish color of his round shaped eyes. There was a little poem underneath it, which really moved me. I can still see the words as I read it word by word.

I love you to the highest degree
My feelings are deeper than the deepest sea
My love would last a lifetime, I guarantee
A happy future together, I see, you and me
Now, if only you would heed my plea and not flee
When I go on a bended knee
Hoping that my wife you will be
When I ask “Will you marry me?”

I looked up and there he was on one knee holding in his hands the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It was better and more beautiful than my dream engagement ring. It was a three point five carat heart shaped diamond ring with two pear cut diamonds on each side. It had a gold band but the setting was platinum. It was relatively flawless and absolutely gorgeous. Half of my heart was screaming No! But I found myself saying yes.

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