Chapter 12

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A picnic type dinner date wasn't what Deidara expected but, he can't say he didn't like it. Oh he love it very much. They are sitting at the blanket placed at the Naka River. A good place for picnic and a good place for stargazing too. Where Obito got the idea was something he likes to know. Deidara was sure Obito don't have a romantic bones in his body but maybe he's wrong.

They talked and eat. The wind blowing to them makes him sleepy. It's relaxing. This was the type of stress reliever he wants and Obito's stories makes the date interesting. It really makes up for the mistakes during the past date. Although, having some company during their date wasn't really good.

There's some high school guys with them. One of them kept on gazing to Deidara that really irked Obito. Thanks the distance that they are far away for Obito to punch him but not far enough for him not to hear what they are talking about. Obito was seething with anger and possessiveness because Deidara was his. Deidara might be oblivious to the attention he got but not him. Obito gritted his teeth and unconsciously tightened his grip on Deidara that made the younger man looked at him, confused.

"Is there something wrong, Obito?" Deidara asked slowly. He felt Obito's grip at him and when he looked at the man's face, there were anger in them. What happened that made Obito angry? Did he do something wrong?

"Nothing senpai. Continue your story." Obito replied to him lowly, so low that it can be considered as a growl. He shooked his head and raised his eyebrow. He didn't believe it was nothing. Obito was always goofy, always happy. For him to be this angry something might have happened. Then his gaze fell on the guys roaring with laughter. His gaze narrowed when one of them was looking at him, smirking.

Obito saw Deidara looking at them. His heart ache. Deidara's attention should only be his, damn it. He cupped the younger man's face and made it looked at him. He growled because those beautiful shining blue eyes should only looked at him. He's possessive of what's his. Deidara might not say it but Obito knows that Deidara was his, and he would never share.

"You're mine Deidara. Mine." Obito growled at him. And then he understands. Obito was jealous. Deidara want to smack his face because how can he be so slow. He smiled. Who knows that Obito was possessive. If it was others, he would be irritated because he doesn't want to be owned (he loves freedom), but with Obito, it was okay and damn, it was hot.

"Of course, koibito." He kissed Obito to assure him. Deidara placed his head on Obito's lap and looked at him in the eye. His black eyes flickering of fondness and some residual anger. Fingers trailing at Obito's scar. He wonders if Obito sometimes feels insecure about his scar. If he did, how did he cope up with it? Deidara wants to know. He wants Obito to open that certain topic for him. He wants to know his insecurities, his flaws.

"You're thinking deeply." Obito said, breaking his concentration. He shooked his head, still resting in Obito's lap. Obito's voice still low. He thinks it'd be good for them to leave.

"It's getting rather cold Obito. Maybe we should go home, un." He said before standing up. The last thing he want is to let Obito in a fight, which will likely to happen if the bastards don't stop talking about them anytime soon. Or if Obito won't fight, he surely will because the stares he was getting was annoying him and he just have enough patience for Obito.

Walking towards the car, the wind blow towards them making Deidara smell Obito. Obito was getting in to rut soon. He smell a little fresh flowers in the garden, not too sweet but refreshing. That's why he was so protective and possessive. Maybe Obito's inner alpha already acknowledged Deidara as Obito's mate. He'll make sure to keep an eye on him. Deidara's still not completely trusted Obito but if he showed complete faithfulness during his rut, he'll let Obito mark him. Might be too fast but who cares?

True to his observation, Obito got into rut sometime that week. Obito was surely so possessive and overprotective. He occasionally growled at someone who has much gaze at him for like a minute. Deidara might kind of like it but it's not a good attitude, especially for someone who have a noble name like Obito Uchiha. Well, he can't really blame him since it's his inner alpha acting up but surely he can help Obito to control it?

"Stop glaring at them Obito, un." Deidara said when he heard another whimper when they were strolling at the university.

"I can't help it. They're looking at you!" Obito hissed at him. He sighed and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Of course they will look. You have such dark aura surrounding you, yeah."

"Well, I won't have this if they just stop looking at you!"

"Yes, yes. Say, why don't I relieve you from stress, hm?" Deidara sultry whispered at Obito while making his hand wander at his body. Obito stiffens before pulling him in one of the classroom's back, while making sure no one was there to see them.

Mating with Obito was delightful and tiring. He have so much stamina and they had multiple orgasms before they can stop. One is not enough for them. Of course Deidara can keep up. Because he might be a Namikaze but he's also an Uzumaki, which was known for their stamina that can rival those Senju and Uchiha.

Good thing the classroom they had chosen was in the outskirts of the university because Deidara was sure he's moaning so loud. If Deidara didn't get to attend his afternoon classes, it was Obito's fault. And if Obito was looking too smug, then the fault was on Deidara because as Obito had said, he was so insatiable.


"What are you doing?" Obito asked behind him, snaking his arms in his waist. Deidara looked up and pecked Obito's lips.

"Bio data, un. I need this to apply for our internship." Deidara continued answering the sheet. He was already in senior year so it makes sense that it was the time to enter internship.

"You'll apply at your dad's company?" Obito asked once again. Deidara shooked his head.

"No. I want outside experience, yeah. Dad said the same thing. If I was too apply at his company, I'll get spoiled, un." Deidara snickered. It was sure that he will. Besides, outside experience will be good for him. It was to know if he really have the talent for his chosen profession after all.

But his problem was, where would he apply? The school's suggestion was: Senju, Uchiha, Sarutobi, Hyuuga or Namikaze. The last one was sure no. The Senju was also no, some of their extended family was in there especially Tobirama Senju, the CEO's brother. The Hyuuga's was a big NO. Deidara was an outgoing type of man. Entering the company of renowned stick up's will kill him. So it was either the Uchiha's or the Sarutobi's.

"Can't decide where to apply?" Obito asked him, still clinging to his shoulders. Deidara nodded at him. "What about the Uchiha? I think we're open for internship."

Deidara looked at him. Debating in his mind wether or not to accept the offer. It's not that bad though. Working in a prestigious company will give a good background for him, plus a good reputation. If he was to inherit his father's company he ought to have many and good connections. Okay. Deidara have decided.

"Sure. When am I allowed to apply, un?" Obito grinned at him and he smiled back.

Will  be updating once a month since I'll be busy because of the online class ಠ_ಠ

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