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My eyes scanned over the last few documents that had been faxed over in the last half hour, forehead tensing in irritation at yet another added rule a client wanted from me.

With a sigh, I shoved the folder closed, allowing myself the reprieve to get it done the next day. I had come back early from my trip with my fiancée to be for this? Yet another string of complaints and compliances I supposedly had to follow simply due to the wealth that held them up.

Pushing away from my desk, I stood up, gathering my things and heading out the door. I was immediately greeted by my assistant, Sasha, who finished up a call before giving me her full attention.

"It's getting late," I told her to which she raised an eyebrow. Usually, I would be leaving the office around midnight when everyone had gone home to relax and sleep. But it was a quarter to five and I could tell Sasha wanted to make a comment on that.

"Sure, Mr. Choi." Sasha agreed with a small smile, riffling through her sticky notes and picking out the most important. "Here," she handed me a small notebook which I already knew was filled with whatever I needed to be up to date with. "Look that over and let me know what you decide tomorrow."

"I will, thank you." I nodded at her. "And stop looking at me like that. My fiancé nce needs me. There's nothing more to it."

"Sure," Sasha said again, this time with a small laugh. "Catalina needs you."

I rolled my eyes, holding back an amused smile. "Go home." I huffed, and fixed my tie before walking over to the elevator, giving my watch a quick glance. It was evening which meant I had enough time to swing by a cafe and grab Lina a few chocolate croissants.

She had been exhausted this morning, knowingly so due to the take she had to wake up. I had to
carry her to bed, her out in deep sleep unknowingly curling into my chest as I brought her up stairs.

It was a foreign sight, I must admit. But fuck did I love seeing the peace on her face as she slept. No clenched jaw, no glare in her eyes, no crease between her eyebrows. Just a content face dreaming sweet things.

The rest of the way home was rather peaceful. I parked the car, getting out making sure to grab the bag of pastries and heading inside.

The house was surprisingly quiet, even knowing that I sent home a majority of my in house staff for the day to let Lina recharge by herself. Dhalia was out with Jase shopping after I realized she had no clothes or personal items in the house.

I had my chef make a couple of meals Lina could choose from while I was at work, but with a quick look in the fridge I frowned when I saw all of them untouched.

Leaving the pastries on the counter, I walked up the stairs my hand making work to loosen the tie around my neck as a sinking feeling stayed in my stomach.

"Catalina?" I called out, hoping she'd answer. But she didn't, and my steps began to pick up the closer I got to her room.

I knocked on her door, waiting for an answer. Frowning further, I pressed my ear to the door hoping even a sound would do. Nothing.

Taking in a small breath, I twisted open the knob and peered inside. Her bed was a mess. Sheets strewn to the floor, pillows astray on the mattress. The duvet was half on, as if she had dragged herself out of bed messily. And yet no Catalina to be found.

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