The Government

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Long time no speak man. Thanks for all the love and support. But let's get straight to businees cause I don't have long before they can probably catch on to my wifi signal.

Man oh man I don't know where to even start when it come to the government. It's all a system to control the people that's it that's all. They take action on some things to cover stuff up and make it seem like they really care. Think of the government as a fake friend. They play it cool and may help out here and there but they honestly don't care. At the end of the day everything they do is for themselves.

For example Obama care is all for the people so everyone can get help. Yet there are still people without insurance and they get penalized for not having insurance. Mind you when they put the website up so many people applied the network crashed and there were many bugs that needed to be fixed so people had to wait for the government to get it together. Obama care is just a start to trying to get the u.s.a out of debt.

Someone who is in school and working can't get obama care because they make to much money, now this is the case for some people not all... but for the female which this story applies to she goes to cosmetology school and works at buffalo wild wings, has her own house pays rent, bills, ect. and still can't get health insurance. Here is the real plot twist if she keeps that job and gets preganant then she can automatically get health care. If she can barley take care of herself why would they want her to bring a child into this world which would mean she would need other forms of government help with the baby. I think that's ballistic!

Does anyone else notice how things are big in the news but then slowly fade and you don't hear of it anymore. Ebola. Mind you they brought that to the united states by choice. They were treating people in Africa with the disease and brought them to America for further treatment. Why? To kill people of of course. It didn't spread as much as they hoped but it sure as hell scared the country half to death. For a while scientist tried to say that the shot to cure Ebola wouldn't work on black people because of melinan. Melinan is what gives the skin and hair it's color. The color of our skin should never ever ever stop anyone from getting treatment of any form.

The government is really corrupt man and I would hope that yall took the little facts that I can give and do your own research. Now of course some stuff may be covered up but if you read between the lines you will find the truth. You don't have to go off what I say if you do your own research and start paying attention to what's going on in the world. They got money to feed the homeless and needy overseas but people in our country are starving and homeless as well. Now you will never go give three strangers your food knowing your mom, siblings, and dad hasn't eaten yet. But that shows how much the government cares about the people of America.

Cell phones.... Man oh man is this how plenty of people will hurt themselves. First off smart phones are hooked up to the internet. When you first get one you must make an account. Ever heard of nothing is ever pemantley gone from the internet. Well there you go all your info can be accessed. The fingerprint unlock is even better for them cause they can get that to. They may not need to use it but just in case they need to they can. Obama himself has a blackberry still because he can't have all the technology smart phones have now he said it himself on a Jimmy kimmle interview. Why? Because it's easy to hack. Iphones are easier to hack than a droid and here is why. Iphones use ios so the hacker knows exactly what software code to crack. Droids on the other hand use all kinds of software depending on the manufactuer of the phone. You would also need to know exactly which phone the person has just cause you see htc you would want to know if it's the htc desire 510 then you can find the software code to crack. The hacker has to put in much more work rather than walking past and saying oh iphone 6 then seeing a droid and say oh well what kind of phone is that.

The government is no joke. World War 3 is near. America is fighting a war within itself. Police are here to serve and protect yet they are killing and being protected by the government.

Well, this brings my journal entry to an end. Sorry for the wait I promise to update more often. I know I jump all over the place but I must get everything out quickly sorry if there is any confusion. Thanks for all the love and support!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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