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Coachella man oh man!

Have y'all ever wanted to scare someone but had to wait a long time cause they took longer to come past the place you was hiding but when they finally do the wait paid off because you scared them successfully? After that you feel like a boss, high on life.

That's sorta what coachella was like for me. I was so fuckin happy to be back on stage in front of my fans. They didn't know what to do some people even cried. It was the best feeling ever. Then performing with Snoop was ten times better. Man y'all it was great to come back for those couple of mins. I still got it!

So I guest I should get to explaining now huh? ...

Man I don't think I have ever seen or wore so much make up in my damn life. That shit was berzerk foreal foreal. They put so much make up on me I thought I would weight at least 5 pound heavier no joke.

"You need that ghostly but still alive effect. You catch my drift?"

"Man just do what you gotta do and come on." I told the make up artist. 




It took them two hours to put the make up on me cause I wasn't wearin a shirt. They gave me this big speech about no touching people, no jumping off stage, no nothing besides rapping the song and standing in the marked circle when I was finished was the biggest part they stressed. I couldn't get to close to snoop cause they told this nigga 2 minutes before we got on stage that I was still alive and he was freaked out but happy. He didn't believe it til we got off stage and he touched me. Funny thing is he was high so it tripped him out ten times worse. 

We had Susumu Tachi who is a scientist a Tokyo University. He made the invisible coat. Don't believe me look him up. (The photo on the side of the coat)  Anyways instead of making it a coat he make it like a blanket. He use retro-reflective material that acts like a photographic screen.They have a camera that reflects the image onto the blanket which acts as a screen which makes any thing under it look transparent. Once I was in the circle they marked on stage they dropped the blanket down and did that little smoke effect thing to make it look like I disappeared when I was really just behind the invisible blanket thing. 

 After the performance there was a meeting and Snoop was told that if he was to even give the slightest hint about me actually being on stage instead of a hologram he would be killed. No if ands or buts about it. So of course he agreed his family is way more important than me. Although he knows I'm alive he doens't know where I stay. 

I would let you guys know that the government is corrupt. Don't put to much trust in them. Well talk about them next time. Bit by bit i'm letting you guys know the truth I think you should know hell I would want to know. I really wanted to jump off that stage but they would have shot up the place then told the media a bunch of lies to cover it up. If I would have jumped off stage everybody there would have been killed by gas and all the tapes would have been destroyed I mean they don't play no games. They can make anything happen don't under estimate I learned that shit a longggggg time ago. 

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