The Autopsy

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Okay so let me break down this autopsy procedure shit so y'all can understand that the picture in the first chapter is not me and it's photo shopped. Let's just start by saying look at the cuts it looks like the cut off big chunks of my skin dead or not I think any human will feel that shit and come back to life. The cuts are also sloppy I mean would you let a doctor who's work looked like that cut on you or yo loved ones? I don't think so. The media is funny as hell don't believe everything you see on tv go research it for yourself you will learn ALOT!!! Now that that's out the way let's get down to business. 

An autopsy is performed on most bodies. Autopsies are done when there is a doubt in the cause of death. (Hint: Everybody knew I got "shot" what the fuck I need an autopsy for? There was shells left on the scene so they know what size bullets and what kinda gun was used. Just thought you should know, Anyways.) There are occasions when the hospital doesn't think it's necessary because they know the cause of death. The family of the victim is always able to hire a pathologist to do one if the hospital doesn't. 

You know that they wrap you up in a body bag and all that good stuff I'm sure y'all seen the shows. They check the toe tag to make sure they got the right body and all that good stuff. They take 20mL of fresh blood from a main vein usually the jugular. Oh wait I for got the clothes part. Okay so they record all the stains and swab them sending those of to testing. They put each clothing item in a separate bag and send that off for testing as well unless it is wet. If it's wet it must air dry and they air dry it so that the clothing doesn't shrink and the evidence isn't ruined. I was "shoot" multiple times which means my clothes would have to air dry. Which means they wouldn't bury me the very next day because they would have to wait a day for all the blood to dry in order to record the evidence. Which means my autopsy report couldn't be completed til the next day. That right there beats the "I was buried the next day theory".

They take out all your organs while draining the body fluids they need for testing such as blood, etc. The weigh everything and so on and so forth. The reason I explained this is because you should know what the truth is. Just because I cuss alot and may act out don't mean I'm not book smart as well. Don't judge a book by it's cover cause I'm far from stupid. While doing an autopsy the pathologist make clean straight cuts from the neck down to the right about where your pants stop if there are on yo hips correctly. Every pathologist is different. Some may cut along the collar bone and make a V cut by you private area to make it easier to take out organs. They DO NOT I repeat DO NOT take chunks of your skin like the fake autopsy picture that surfaced the net.

How in the hell is you gone sew a person back up with chunks of they skin missing. Huge chunks at that. Come on man be real with yourself you can't there is no if ands or buts about that one right there.

Anyways I already started telling the truth so there is no stopping me now. Although I do ask that you keep this on the low low til I tell you everything. Can you do that for me!? I want y'all to know everything. Next chapter imma break down what happened at coachella. My nigga Meek Millz didn't make the song 'Tupacs Back' for nothing! Although I don't go by that no more but you get the point.





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